We’ve collected salary information from the most trusted oilfield website, rigzone.com, about salary and compensation for Q3 2014. At this time, we have the comparison between Q1 salary and Q3 salary.
Oilfield Salary Based On Geographical Locations Based on Q3 2014 Data
Africa Average Income = 101,720 USD/year
Australia & Oceania Average Income = 10,4927 USD/year
Central Asia Average Income = 78,143 USD/year
East & SE Asia Average Income = 84,164 USD/year
Europe Average Income = 113,316 USD/year
Middle East Average Income = 76,344 USD/year
North America Average Income = 90,058 USD/year
South America Average Income = 85,105 USD/year
Southern Asia Average Income = 72,157 USD/year
The chart below demonstrates overall income based on Geographical information.
Figure 1 - Average Income (USD/Yr) Based on Geographical Area as of Q3 2014
The chart is the comparison between Q1 and Q4 based on the geographical area.
Figure 2 – Average Income (USD/Yr) Based on Geographical Area Comparison Between Q1 and Q3 2014
The chart below show %changes in salary of people on each area.
Figure 3 – % Change in Average Income (USD/Yr) Based on Geographical Area Comparison between Q1 and Q3 2014
You can see that almost all areas have a decrease in income. East and South East Asia had the most decline by 16.1%, however; only in Southern Asia area; people by average get increase in salary by 0.19%.
Globally, average income of oilfield personnel decreases by 3.8% when compared Q3 and Q1 2014.
Oilfield Salary Trend from 2011 – 2014 Based on Geographical Area
The following charts demonstrate income trends for all areas and each location.
Figure 4 - World Wide Average Income Trend (USD/Yr)
Figure 5 - Africa Average Income Trend (USD/Yr)
Figure 6 - Australia & Oceania Average Income Trend (USD/Yr)
Figure 7 – Central Asia Average Income Trend (USD/Yr)
Figure 8 - Europe Average Income Trend (USD/Yr)
Figure 9 - East and South East Average Income Trend (USD/Yr)
Figure 10 - Middle East Average Income Trend (USD/Yr)
Figure 11 – North America Average Income Trend (USD/Yr)
Figure 12 – South America Average Income Trend (USD/Yr)
Figure 13 - Southern Asia Average Income Trend (USD/Yr)
Oilfield Salary Based On Job Discipline Based on Q3 2014 data
Average Income of Personnel in Drilling = 119,690 USD/Yr
Average Income of Personnel in Geoscience = 100,108 USD/Yr
Average Income of Personnel in Maritime = 99,154 USD/Yr
Average Income of Personnel in Management / Support = 90,791 USD/Yr
Average Income of Personnel in Production = 88,833 USD/Yr
Average Income of Personnel in Engineering = 85,609 USD/Yr
Average Income of Personnel in Oilfield Service = 83,934 USD/Yr
Average Income of Personnel in Health Safety Environment = 82,872 USD/Yr
Average Income of Personnel in Trades = 75,222 USD/Yr
Figure 14 – Average Income (USD/Yr) Based On Job Discipline
The chart below shows the comparison between Q3 and Q1 2014 income based on job functions.
Figure 15 – Average Income (USD/Yr) Based On Job Discipline Comparison between Q1 and Q3 2014
The chart below shows the changes of income between Q1 and Q3 2014.
Figure 16 – % Change in Average Income (USD/Yr) Based On Job Discipline Comparison between Q1 and Q3 2014
People working in the production part has the most decline by 4.9% but personnel in maritime has increased income by 2.5%.
Conclusion: The statistics show that most of people in the upstream industry get paid less and we think the main factor is the oil price (WTI) which is about 67 $/bbl as of early December 2014. Low oil price will slow down the industry because several exploration and production projects will not meet economic criteria. We will update this information again in next few quarters to see any changes.
Data source: Rigzone.com