Cement squeeze and balanced cement plug are one of the most critical cement jobs on drilling sites. It is very critical to have the correct volume of cement and displacement in order to be successful in this operation. We create simple Excel spread sheets for both operations and these sheets are free for you to download. However, you need to carefully read the details below to understand the limitation of these two files because the calculations are based on specific criteria.
Cement Squeeze and Balanced Plug
The calculation is based on the following criteria
- Squeeze cement underneath the retainer
- String the stringer out
- Set balance cement plug on top of the retainer
- Displacement fluid does not account for under displacement volume.
- Line volume can be accounted into the calculation.
- One size of cement stringer
What is the good situation to use this file?
- Plug and abandon the well by squeezing the below the casing shoe and set balance plug on top. Figure 1 demonstrates the cementing diagram.
Figure 1 – Cement Squeeze and Balanced Plug Diagram
What do you need to input?
The following information must be input into the yellow shaded cells.
- Casing ID (inch)
- Stinger OD (Inch)
- Stinger ID (inch)
- Retainer Setting Depth (ft)
- Volume Squeeze underneath Retainer (bbl)
- Volume Balance On Top of Retainer (bbl)
- Line Volume (bbl)
The answers will show in blue shaded cells. Figure 2 is the screen captured of this file and you may need to take time trying to play with the data.
Figure 2 – Screen capture of “Squeeze and Balance Cement Plug” spread sheet
Cement Balanced Plug
The calculation is based on the following criteria
- Balanced cement plug can be set any depth
- Cement will not drop due to density different during pumping
- Displacement fluid does not account for under displacement volume.
- Line volume can be accounted into the calculation.
- One size of cement stringer
What is the good situation to use this file?
- Set the balanced cement plug for kick off or plug and abandon
- Set balance plug on top of retainer
- Set balance plug in open hole
Figure 3 demonstrates the diagram of the balanced cement plug in this calculation.
Figure 3 – Balance Cement Plug Diagram
What do you need to input?
The following information must be input into the yellow shaded cells.
- Casing ID (inch)
- Stinger OD (Inch)
- Stinger ID (inch)
- Cement Placement Depth (ft)
- Balanced Cement Plug Volume (bbl)
- Line Volume (bbl)
The answers will show in blue shaded cells.
Figure 4 – Screen capture of “Balanced Cement Plug” spread sheet
Download the Excel sheet for “Cement Squeeze and Balanced Plug“here – http://bit.ly/1JXHD7l
Download the Excel sheet for “Cement Balanced Plug” here – http://bit.ly/1P9HjpK
Please let us know what you think about the spreadsheet because we would like to improve its usability. We need to emphasize that these two spread sheets have certain criteria for using so please ensure that you fully understand the limitation prior. Additionally, it will be great if you can share this link to your friends / colleagues.