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Catastrophic incident while inspecting Top Drive on the rig


This is purely for learning purposes. You can see what happen in the footage below. Three man were inspecting the top drive system on the rig floor. All the sudden the drilling link was accidentally released and it hit these guys.

What can we learn from this video?

Energy isolation – Energy (electric and hydraulic) is not properly isolated so when the man accidentally operate the top drive link tilt, the link is moved without any warning.

Trapped energy – It might have trapped hydraulic pressure in the system. People may not recognize this point.

Line of fire – The team is not aware of line of fire and what if if the link is released.

Incorrect procedure – Based on the footage, the guy who is standing in the back moves back behind may some mechanism resulted in the link moving and crushing another man.

How can we prevent this from happening it again?

Please feel free to share your thought on how to prevent this accident in the comment box below.


Top 10 Countries With Largest Oil Reserves 2017


Over the past ten years, the price of oil has certainly been volatile. This has led to concern at all levels, from the businesspeople selling oil, to the governments and policy makers in charge of regulating the industry. There are also environmental concerns associated with increased fossil fuel consumption, leading some to question whether there are enough oil reserves to satisfy demand, and what the long-term consequences of extraction may be.

As you can see, there are a lot of questions surrounding the oil industry at the present time. To help make things a little clearer, we have composed a list of the ten countries with the largest oil reserves in the world, to show how they fit into the global energy landscape.

1. Venezuela – 298.4 Billion Barrels


Venezuela Oilfield Map

Possessing over 298 billion barrels of proven oil reserves, Venezuela is by far the country with the largest reserves in the world today. While they currently hold the top spot, they only reached this point fairly recently- at the end of the previous decade, it was Saudi Arabia which was well out in front of other countries in terms of its oil reserves.

That all changed when Venezuela discovered huge oil sands deposits, which significantly boosted its global ranking. These reserves are similar to those of Canada, although Venezuela also possesses significant conventional oil deposits. In addition, the Orinoco tar sands of Venezuela are much less viscous than those of Canada, meaning the oil sands can be easily extracted with conventional techniques. This means it is much less expensive to extract this oil, putting Venezuela ahead of its North American rival in terms of capital requirements.

2. Saudi Arabia – 268.3 Billion Barrels

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Oifield Map

For decades now, Saudi Arabia has been famous the world over for its oil reserves. Thanks to the powerful position this puts the country in, the Saudis have had an important place in global politics, as well as making many of the country’s inhabitants extremely rich. This makes it all the more shocking for many to find that their long-established place as leaders in the world of oil has been claimed by Venezuela.
that Saudi Arabia is no longer the world’s leader in terms of oil reserves. Although their 267 billion barrels of proven oil reserves might be somewhat behind those of Venezuela, though, all of that oil is within conventionally accessible oil wells, which are themselves situated within vast oil fields. In fact, the Saudi Arabian reserves make up over a fifth of the entire planet’s conventional reserves. Many believe that with additional exploration, Saudi Arabia may well regain its place at the top of this list. For instance, the US Geological Survey predicts that there may be in excess of 100 billion barrels hidden beneath the Saudi deserts, just waiting to be discovered and tapped.

3. Canada – 171 Billion Barrels

Canada (Hibernia Platform)

According to the latest estimates, Canada is home to around 172.9 billion barrels of proven oil reserves. The most significant chunk of this total comes in the form of oil sands deposits within the province of Alberta. In addition, the majority of the nation’s conventionally accessible oil reserves are also situated in Alberta.

Since tapping Canada’s oil reserves is a costly, time-consuming process, production tends to operate in stops and starts, rather than continuously. Oil companies tend to begin by extracting lower density, higher value oils, and only switch to extracting crude deposits when oil prices are at a peak.

4. Iran – 157.8 Billion Barrels

Iran Oilfield Map

Iran Oilfield Map

Iran possesses almost 160 billion barrels of proven oil reserves, which puts it in a very strong position in terms of the wealth that oil can bring. In terms of easily-accessible reserves, it actually ranks third, since many of the reserves in Canada are difficult to reach and tap. Iran has been producing oil for over 100 years now, and if they proceed at the current rate of extraction, the country’s reserves will likely last another 100 years. While Saudi oil is spread across a small group of vast, highly rich oil fields, Iranian oil is spread across some 150 hydrocarbon fields, many of which are also home to significant deposits of petroleum crude oil and natural gas.

5. Iraq – 144.2 Billion Barrels

Iraq Oilfield Map

Iraq Oilfield Map

While Iraq has seen its fair share of troubles in the last few decades, it is nonetheless home to some of the world’s biggest proven reserves of crude oil. Given the military occupations in recent years, it hasn’t been possible to conduct any serious exploration of the country’s oil reserves- meaning that the data used to determine Iraq’s reserves is some two decades old, and reliant on outdated survey techniques. However, as the Iraqi authorities start to regain control over larger swathes of their country, there has been significant hope that the nation’s oil infrastructure can be developed in the years to come.

6. Kuwait – 104 Billion Barrels

Kuwait Oilfield Map

Kuwait Oilfield Map

While Kuwait is a relatively small country, it is home to an impressive share of the world’s total oil reserves. Some 5 billion barrels lie beneath the Saudi-Kuwaiti neutral zone, which the two countries share. Meanwhile, over 70 billion barrels of oil are situated in the Burgan field, which is the second largest oil field in the entire world.

7. Russia – 103.2 Billion Barrels

Russia Oilfield Map

Russia Oilfield Map

Russia is packed full of a variety of natural energy sources- in particular, huge oil reserves sit beneath the sprawling Siberian plains. Russia’s oil output fell significantly in the years after the fall of the USSR, production has been boosted over the last few years. As exploration continues below the arctic regions of the country, Russia’s reserves of oil and gas may well rise further.

8. United Arab Emirates – 97.8 Billion Barrels

United Arab Emirates Oilfield Map

United Arab Emirates Oilfield Map

The vast majority of UAE oil comes from the Zakum field, which holds an estimated 66 billion barrels. This makes it the third-largest oil field in the Middle East, behind only the Ghawar field in Saudi Arabia and the Burgan field in Kuwait. Around 40% of the country’s whole GDP is linked to its oil and gas input. Since oil was first discovered in the UAE in 1958, the country has used this wealth as a springboard to become a highly modern state, with a remarkable standard of living.

9. Libya – 48.36 Billion Barrels

Libya Oilfield Map

Libya Oilfield Map

Libya possesses the largest total oil reserves in the whole of Africa. What’s more, it may also be home to much larger reserves than we currently know of, since much of the nation’s subterranean landscape remains unexplored because of previous sanctions against foreign oil companies. In 2012, oil exports made up an enormous 98% of government revenue in Libya. However, because of more recent political instability, Libya’s position amongst the world’s top oil producers is under threat. Once the political situation has died down somewhat, it is expected that Libya will attract significant foreign investment, as companies look to find new reserves in the nation.

10. Nigeria – 37.07 Billion Barrels

Nigeria Oilfield Map

Nigeria Oilfield Map

While Libya might have larger reserves, Nigeria is a more active producer of oil, making the country the largest oil producer in Africa, and tenth in the world. At their current rate of production, this would make for a 45-year supply if no new reserves are found. However, pipeline vandalism and militant takeovers of oil facilities have had a significant effect on oil production in Nigeria. Oil accounts for around 14% of Nigeria’s total economy.


OilPrice.com. (2017). Venezuela’s Oil Production Plunges To 13-Year Low | OilPrice.com. [online] Available at: http://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Venezuelas-Oil-Production-Plunges-To-13-Year-Low.html [Accessed 16 Sep. 2017].

Energy-pedia.com. (2017). Canada: Hibernia oil field reserves increased by 12 percent. [online] Available at: https://www.energy-pedia.com/news/canada/hibernia-oil-field-reserves-increased-by-12-percent [Accessed 16 Sep. 2017].

Drillinginfo. (2017). Saudi Arabia and Oil: What You Need to Know. [online] Available at: https://info.drillinginfo.com/saudi-arabia-oil-need-know/ [Accessed 16 Sep. 2017].

Parstimes.com. (2017). IRAN Oil & Gas Resources – اطلاعات نفت و گاز ایران. [online] Available at: http://www.parstimes.com/Ioil.html [Accessed 16 Sep. 2017].

Map, I. (2017). Iraq Oil Pipeline & Fields Map. [online] Blog.drillingmaps.com. Available at: http://blog.drillingmaps.com/2014/06/iraq-oil-pipeline-fields-map.html#.Wb03YLIjGM8 [Accessed 16 Sep. 2017].

Moo.gov.kw. (2017). Ministry of Oil – Kuwait Oil Field Map. [online] Available at: http://www.moo.gov.kw/About-Us/Programs/Technical-Affairs/Kuwait-Oil-Field-Map.aspx [Accessed 16 Sep. 2017].

Matthieuthery.com. (2017). Asia | Matthieu Théry. [online] Available at: http://www.matthieuthery.com/energy/fossil-energy/crude-oil/crude-oil-geography/asia/ [Accessed 16 Sep. 2017].

Eia.gov. (2017). United Arab Emirates plans to increase crude oil and natural gas production. [online] Available at: https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=23472 [Accessed 16 Sep. 2017].

Crudeoilpeak.info. (2017). Libya oil field battle lines. [online] Available at: http://crudeoilpeak.info/libya-oil-field-battle-lines [Accessed 16 Sep. 2017].

I, H. (2017). As Nigeria’s oil reserves rise to 37 billion barrels. [online] SweetCrudeReports. Available at: http://sweetcrudereports.com/2017/01/01/as-nigerias-oil-reserves-rise-to-37-billion-barrels/ [Accessed 16 Sep. 2017].

Two-Year Contract for ‘Deepwater Invictus’, Transocean Ultra-Deepwater Drillship


Transocean Ltd. (NYSE:RIG) announced Tuesday that its ultra-deepwater drillship Deepwater Invictus has been awarded a two-year contract with options by a subsidiary of BHP Billiton.

Transocean said the backlog associated with the firm contract is approximately $106 million and the contract will commence in the second quarter of 2018. It includes three one-year priced options.

The Deepwater Invictus was delivered in 2014 and is rated to a water depth of 12,000 feet. It has spent nearly its entire career contracted to BHP.

Deepwater Invictus

Deepwater Invictus – (MarineTraffic,com, 2017)

“We are extremely pleased to continue working with BHP,” said President and Chief Executive Officer Jeremy Thigpen. “Since we welcomed the Invictus into our fleet in 2014, the combination of BHP, Transocean and the Invictus has delivered industry-leading performance; and, we look forward to extending our productive relationship through this multi-year contract.”

A spokesman for BHP said the awarding of the contract supports its exploration focus on the three Tier 1 deep-water opportunities in the US Gulf of Mexico, Mexico, and the Caribbean.

According to Transocean’s latest fleet status report, Deepwater Invictus is currently contracted to BHP Billiton for operations in the Gulf of Mexico at a day rate of $592,000. The current contract spans from January 2017 through November 2017.

References – gCaptain. (2017). Two-Year Contract for Ultra-Deepwater Drillship ‘Deepwater Invictus’ – gCaptain. [online] Available at: http://gcaptain.com/two-year-contract-ultra-deepwater-drillship-deepwater-invictus/ [Accessed 18 Oct. 2017].

MarineTraffic.com. (2017). Vessel details for: DEEPWATER INVICTUS (Drill Ship) – IMO 9620592, MMSI 538004610, Call Sign V7XZ7 Registered in Marshall Is | AIS Marine Traffic. [online] Available at: http://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/details/ships/shipid:713787/mmsi:538004610/imo:9620592/vessel:DEEPWATER_INVICTUS [Accessed 18 Oct. 2017].

Review Well Control Method Presentation by Wild Well Control


Wild Well Control is one of the best well control specialist companies in the world. The company not only provide well control and engineering services to the company’s customers, it also provides free technical knowledge to the public such as Wild Well Control Technical Book that you can download it for free.  Today, we would like to review one of the most useful presentation which is “Well Control Methods” presentation. After you read the review and you like it, we also provide download link for you at the end. Thank Wild Well Control for great contribution to oil and gas industry.

Well Control Methods by Wild Well Control

Well Control Methods by Wild Well Control, Wild Well Control (2017)

In this presentation, you will  learn overall of all well control methods.

The topics in this presentations are as follows;

⇒ Learn all well control techniques

  • Circulating well control methods – Driller’s method, wait and weight method (engineering method), concurrent method and reverse circulation
  • Non-circulating well control methods – Volumetric, lubricate & bleed and bullheading.

⇒ Understand how to properly regulate pressure to control the well by manipulating choke

⇒ Understand choke response and lag time

⇒ Learn some basic well control formulas

⇒ Learn about advantages and disadvantages of well control methods

⇒ Learn some special topics such as well control with air drilling, mud cap drilling, slim hole well control, UBD/PWD equipment, etc

Additionally, this presentation has some illustrations which help learners get more understanding about each subject. You can see some slides from this presentation below.

Six Well Control Method, Wild Well Control (2017)

Six Well Control Method, Wild Well Control (2017)

Example - Driller’s Method Action Sequence, Wild Well Control (2017)

Example – Driller’s Method Action Sequence, Wild Well Control (2017)

Example - Volumetric Well Control, Wild Well Control (2017)

Example – Volumetric Well Control, Wild Well Control (2017)

Example - Bull Heading Chart, Wild Well Control (2017)

Example – Bull Heading Chart, Wild Well Control (2017)

Example - Advantages and Disadvantages of mud cap drilling, Wild Well Control (2017)

Example – Advantages and Disadvantages of mud cap drilling, Wild Well Control (2017)

If you want to download the slide, please check out this link -> http://wildwell.com/literature-on-demand/literature/well-control-methods.pdf

Basic Understanding of Underbalanced Drilling


Between the fracture pressure and the pore pressure of the formation, the hydrostatic pressure of drilling fluid will always be maintained according to conventional drilling practice. In order to control the transport cuttings to the surface as well as the formation fluids, the drilling fluid is held within the wellbore where it circulates. Furthermore, it also keeps the drill bit cool and lubricated as it acts as a stabilizing agent. For effective use, the fluid must be water- or oil-based and this leads to a maximum weight of 19 pounds for each gallon (minimum of 7.8 pounds). As an attempt at imparting fluid loss, density, and rheological properties, it also contains a mixture of liquid and solid products.

Figure 1 - Conventional Drilling

Figure 1 – Conventional Drilling

For many years, the conventional drilling has been the safest method when drilling a well but there are also some negatives to using the method. For example, fluid invasion is a common problem because the drilling fluid pressure is naturally above the pressure of the natural formation – this can cause permeability damage. Also, physical blockages and washouts are common as the solids and fluids lodge into the formation.

When drilling a well and keeping the wellbore fluid gradient below that of the natural formation gradient, this is called Underbalanced Drilling (UBD) and it has its differences with traditional methods. Namely, the well can flow throughout the drilling because the bottomhole circulating pressure always remains lower than the formation pressure. As well as penetrating at a faster rate and removing the risk of lost circulation, UBD also has another benefit in that the damage of invading fluid is reduced. Even after this, drilling time gets smaller, bit life improves, and it can be easier to detect and test productive intervals. Of course, this benefit isn’t seen when the well isn’t underbalanced so this is pivotal to the whole process.

Figure 2 - Underbalanced Drilling

Figure 2 – Underbalanced

If minimizing the risk of invasion is a priority, UBD can be a valuable tool. Over time, the method has been gaining in popularity because depleting pressure levels is a common occurrence and it also reins supreme within reservoirs that are low quality or particularly complex. Today, the vast majority of UBD applications use coiled tubing systems. As a sign of its popularity, around four in every ten onshore wells used underbalanced conditions back in 2000 and this has been increasing ever since.

Figure 3 - Comparison between conventional drilling and underbalanced drilling

Figure 3 – Comparison between conventional drilling and underbalanced drilling

Different Techniques in Underbalanced Drilling (UBD)

Ultimately, there are many different techniques used around the world and they fall into categories depending on the density of fluids – normally, the scale ranges from 0 all the way up to 7 pounds in each gallon. However, an injection of nitrogen gas can help to reduce the density of fluid and this helps to achieve the lower bottomhole pressure compared to the formation pressure. This being said, conventional liquids can be used for underbalanced conditions as long as the density is controlled properly. On the flip side, overbalance occurs sometimes with low-density fluid because of the drop in frictional pressure. When it comes to UBD, it has found a niche market with low-pressure and depleted reservoirs. Nowadays, technology has allowed us to monitor and record production whilst drilling and this means that operators have more control and more knowledge. Once the target zones and inflow mechanisms have been identified, the drilling can stop.

In some cases, a choke at the surface helps to control bottomhole pressure (BHP) – as the choke is opened and closed, it adjusts the standpipe pressure which is a great help for operators. Until the choking action actually reaches the bottomhole, there is a lag time to be expected and this is because of the speed of pressure waves. When passing through a static fluid column, the speed is equal to the speed of sound within the exact same medium. On a positive note, the lag time can be estimated within a single-phase system, we should note that multi-phase systems are a little more complex.

Alternately, the Equivalent Circulating Density (ECD) can be adjusted to control the BHP rather than a choke. Essentially, the idea is to increase the gradient of fluid density between the bottomhole and the surface. In scenarios where the casing is a shallow depth, ECD is far more popular than using a choke. Whenever the flow stops during connections, the conditions seen when underbalanced can be preserved by utilizing the hydrostatic head. As the flow resistance increases, the ECD will follow but the opposite condition will be seen whenever the pipe is removed from the hole due to a swabbing effect.

Drilling Fluids for Underbalanced Drilling

Within UBD operations, there are three different types of drilling fluid seen; incompressible (liquid), compressible (gaseous), and two-phase. For drilling fluid selection, this will depend on the conditions of formation fracture pressure, bottomhole flowing pressure, formation pore pressure, and borehole collapse pressure.


Gaseous Drilling Fluids – Ever since the introduction of this technique, we have seen ‘dry air drilling’ which sees air pumped down the drill string; from here, it goes up through the annulus. In order to divert the returns, the process will normally require a rotating wellhead which sits between the rotary table and blowout preventer. Using a discharge pipe, the cuttings can be removed and the dust can be killed using a water spray. If there are any returning hydrocarbons, these will be burned away by a flame.

As a drilling fluid, nitrogen is common and many other inert gases are simply too expensive for use. Before the air stream is pumped into the wellbore, membrane filters allow the nitrogen to be extracted at a good rate. Furthermore, another option is natural gas as it can be sourced from pipelines. In fact, there isn’t even a need for compressors when using natural gas.

Finally, we should also note that hole cleanup and circulating pressure are dependant on one another. When there are more cuttings in the wellbore, this leads to higher downhole pressures. Using Angel’s method, you will see guidelines for the practice which shows air flow rates and a whole lot more for hole cleaning. Looking at the charts, we see that effective cutting transport occurs at a velocity of 3,000 ft/min.

Two-Phase Drilling Fluids – Sometimes called the ‘lightened drilling fluids’, this will have either aerated drilling mud or a foamy liquid. To achieve the circulating fluid density required, the liquids will be combined with gas and fluid properties can be predicted at downhole conditions using the equation of state method.

Before it enters the well, the liquid needs to enter the gas stream and this is achieved by using a pump and, from that point on, the liquid will change the way the gas acts. As more and more liquid enters, the second phase begins which sees a foam substance form – here, the gas bubbles are trapped inside. However, the foam structure ends after the liquid volume rises above 25% and the next stage begins with aerated drilling muds. Not only will this include fresh water, it can also involve crude oil, brine, and diesel. As an external flow path (e.g. coiled tubing), parasite string allows the gas into the liquid stream and this needs to be cemented outside the casing.

As temperature and pressure levels change, the compressibility is vastly different from gas to liquid which means that liquid fraction will also change. In addition to this, the frictional pressure drops can be controlled by a number of steps including the fluid properties, flow regime, flow geometry, and the flow rate. When using UBD, this perhaps highlights the importance of phase behaviour within the process. Finally, there are some common two-phase flow regimes that occur more frequently than any other and this includes; annular dispersed flow, slug flow, bubble flow, plug/churn flow, and laminar/stratified flow.

A steady-state flow regime map (http://www.drbratland.com, 2017)

A steady-state flow regime map (http://www.drbratland.com, 2017)

Liquid Drilling Fluids – Finally, we have our third type of drilling fluid and this comes from liquids. As we saw earlier, even traditional drilling fluids can lead to underbalanced conditions and this is because the hydrostatic pressure of saline and fresh water are both lower than formation pressure. Sometimes, the formation pore gradient will be overcome by the drilling fluid density but even then pressure can reduce in the wellbore and this leads to the flow of formation fluids.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Underbalanced Drilling (UBD)

Before we leave you to get back to your day, we now have some benefits and drawbacks of using UBD!


• No physical mechanism is required during the process to force drilling fluid into the actual formation. With this in mind, lost circulation is limited whenever we see high permeability zones or even fractures.

• To avoid formation damage, the wellbore pressure can be kept lower than the reservoir pressure. Therefore, the requirements for stimulation are reduced and savings can be made.

• When trying to detect hydrocarbon zones, drilling underbalanced can be helpful – at times, they lead to findings that would have been missed with conventional methods.

• Reduced chance of differential sticking due to no filter cake with the wellbore wall.

• Penetration rates excel when compared to conventional techniques because there is less pressure at the bit head. As a result, bit life can extend and drilling times can fall.

• Finally, there is no need for the disposal of hazardous drilling mud as the process doesn’t use the conventional drilling fluids.

As you can see, there are some superb advantages to choosing this technique. Essentially, this is why it has gained the attention of many in recent years. However, there are also some downsides to UBD.


• Above all else, it is expensive and the cost ranges depending on the drilling fluid used.

• Unfortunately, it can be hard to maintain an underbalanced position. Without the filter cake, a sudden pulse of overbalance could cause damage.

• Also, it presents safety issues because there is a higher chance of fire, explosion, and blowouts.

• After this, there are a series of smaller drawbacks such as the fact that borehole erosion can occur, the borehole can collapse, the system can corrode if air is used for aerating, equipment and people could be in danger due to the vibration of drill string, and it is more complicated.

• To finish, we should also note that a lack of heat conduction capacity will cause damage to the surface of the formation itself!


Drbratland.com. (2010). Chapter 1, Pipe Flow 1 Single-phase Flow. [online] Available at: http://www.drbratland.com/PipeFlow2/chapter1.html [Accessed 22 Nov. 2017].

Azar, J. and Samuel, G. (2008). Drilling engineering. 1st ed. Tulsa, Okla.: PennWell.

Bourgoyne, J., Millheim, ‎., Chenevert, M. and Young, ‎. (1986). SPE Textbook Series, Volume 2 : Applied Drilling Engineering. 1st ed. Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Mitchell, R., Miska, S. and Aadny, B. (2011). Fundamentals of drilling engineering. Richardson, TX: Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Down hole Reamer – Its Application in Directional Drilling


Not only are reamers important for directional drilling, but they can also be useful in straight hole applications. Reaming assemblies can straighten out and smooth over crooked holes, restore undergauge holes to gauge, and get rid of any irregularities or keyseats. They also help to prevent excessive hole curvature in short intervals, which may be experienced when entering and exiting a section of hole which forms a sharp curve. Finally, reamers can reduce the rotational torque in a wellbore, and may therefore be used as a substitute for a conventional string or near-bit stabilizer.

Reamers are made by almost all major downhole tool manufacturers, and have the same core features: sealed or open (mud lubricated) bearings, cutter types – either “nobbly” or “smooth”, and either one (so called “3-point”) or two (“6-point”) sets of cutters in a tool.

Reamer (Courtesy of NOV, 2017)

Reamer (Courtesy of NOV, 2017)

To regulate standards for roller reamer tools, BP created a set of rules that they should all adhere to. These are:

  1. Compression split lock pins and not screw-threaded bolts must primarily secure the bearing blocks. Any secondary bolts need to include anti-back-off implementations and preparation procedures. Other primary securing systems which don’t have parts that can come loose and fail due to vibrations from drilling may also be used- an example of this would be taper lock wedges.
  2. Any parts in the tool body, such as rollers, blocks, or shaft assemblies, must not be able to fall out if the primary securing system should fail. This necessitates specific geometry of bearing blocks, such as dove tailing or wedging.
  3. Bearing blocks must be flush with the tool body. Furthermore, they must be reinforced with tungsten carbide inserts, on both the bottom edge and outer face.
  4. The downhole leading edge shoulders of the roller reamer should be reinforced with hard facing and/or tungsten carbide inserts.
  5. There needs to be enough clearance between the roller and tool body cavity to allow for a significant amount of bearing wear without the roller coming into contact with the back of the cavity. The tools need to be full gauge, preferably on the generous side rather than slightly under-gauge. Gauge adjustability is not a requirement (the necessity for redressing is always because the bearings wear out well before the cutters wear down).
  6. It is necessary to use wear-resistant bearings, with the target being bearings that can rotate at 200rpm and accumulate a maximum of 1 million revolutions.
  7. Both near-bit roller reamers and a string must be used. The near-bit tools also need to be bored in order to accommodate float valves. A minimum ID is also needed to provide adequate access for surveying instruments, circulating sub and core barrel drop balls- these will depend on the individual requirements of the drilling operation.
  8. Tools need to be able to be fixed quickly and easily, with a minimum of manpower and equipment.
  9. It is necessary to work with a Q.A.-approved supplier, so that any rental tools and redress kits can be obtained at short notice in the necessary amount.


Inglis, T.A. (2010) Directional drilling. Dordrecht: Springer-Verlag New York.

Mitchell, R.F., Miska, S.Z. and Aadnoy, B.S. (2012) Fundamentals of drilling engineering. Richardson, TX: Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Nov.com. (2018). National Oilwell Varco. [online] Available at: https://www.nov.com/Segments/Wellbore_Technologies/Downhole/Drilling_Tools/Reamers_and_Wipers/DL_Reamer.aspx [Accessed 17 Jan. 2018].

Schlumberger Limited (2017) Schlumberger Drilling Services. Available at: http://www.slb.com/services/drilling.aspx (Accessed: 25 February 2017).

Short, J.J.A. (1993) Introduction to directional and horizontal drilling. Tulsa, OK: PennWell Books.

Technical, T., Astier, B., Baron, G., Boe, J.-C., Peuvedic, J.L.P. and French Oil & Gas Industry Association (1990) Directional drilling and deviation control technology. Paris: Editions

What are Drilling Jars?


Most modern drilling jars are hydraulic. They are also usually double acting, meaning they can deliver an extra-heavy impact should the bottom hole assembly become stuck. They are intended to work as an integral part of the drill string, and can withstand high pressures and temperatures over a long period of time, making them suitable for long-term use.

With almost the same length and diameter specifications as standard drill collars, and with a similar connection strength and slip setting area, they may be used as a component of a stand of drill collars without difficulty.

Usually, jars will be used alongside accelerators, which are run above the jar and work automatically. They serve to amplify the impact force of the jar, and can even double it in some cases. They commonly use the compression of silicon to give added stored energy and optimize jar impact and free-travel distance in both directions. They also have the added benefit of dampening the dynamic load in the drillpipe, since they transmit shock waves poorly, thus helping reduce damage to both string and surface equipment.

Drilling Jars Diagram (Slideshare, 2017)

Drilling Jars Diagram (Slideshare, 2017)

When normal drilling procedures are followed, the jarring mechanism will be automatically disengaged, and drilling string torque will be transmitted to the lower assembly using a separate compensated drive system. Sufficient drive lubrication is usually provided by high-temperature lubricants in most downhole conditions. Within the jar’s hydraulics are powerful seals that can withstand up to 20,000 psi up to 500°F. There are numerous back-up seals used to guard against premature failure of these drive lubrication seals and rig pump hydraulic seals.

If the amount of surface push or pull is adjusted, then there is no need of any torque or external adjustments. This allows the operator to deliver a capacity blow anywhere from very small to maximum capacity in either direction, and also to control the number of blows struck in a certain time period. The string doesn’t need to be manipulated in any other way to operate the jar, and it will be automatically reset for following blows in either direction.

Modern jars may be run in tension or compression, but it is important to note that they can’t be run at or within 15% of the natural weight. Jars also shouldn’t be run as crossovers between collars and heavy weight drill pipe, nor between drill collars of differing ODs. This is because these transition points are the places where the most extreme stress will occur, and this can increase the chances of mechanical failure. One should therefore run the same size of collar or heavy weight drill pip directly above and below the jar. Jars should not be run below key seat wipers, reamers, or other tools with a larger OD than the jar; this will have a negative effect on the jarring function.

Jars are usually in tension when the bit hits the bottom. They need to be triggered down with a light load, to minimize the risk of damage to the bit. It is recommended that one starts by rotating and slacking off weight so that the jar is only slightly in compression. When the jar has fallen through, one may then slack off to the final drilling weight. The jar will cock each time the string is lifted off the bottom, meaning this process needs to be repeated for each connection.

It is necessary to keep jars in tension when running, to prevent them from being accidentally triggered:

  • The jar can be cocked if there is too much “yo-yoing”
  • Jars should be slowly run through dog legs and tight spots
  • Any component that can restrict the ID of the pipe, whether they be float valves, survey tools, or anything else, can cause collars to float should the pipe be lowered too quickly. This can cause premature cocking

Should the jar cock accidentally, the drill pipe must be suspended in the elevator to allow the jar to trip open from the weight of the collars suspended below it, before it can be run into the hole.

There is no need to pre-set or adjust the jar before running prior to jarring. This is because jars are controlled using axial motion from the surface. To do this, from the neutral position, pull up to the desired load. After a few seconds, the jar will jar up. To jar down, do the same, but slack off to the required load. After impact, the jar should be returned to neutral. It is then immediately ready to jar again in either direction. The strength of impact will depend on how hard you pull. The jar bay be hit in any required sequence. Waiting time between setting the brake and the jarring action can range from ten to sixty seconds, and is independent of changes in downhole temperature, hydrostatic pressure, or how many times the jar is actuated. There is no need to warm up a jar, and no cooling off period. Jars are not affected by drilling torque, and the magnitude and time delay of the jarring action is similarly unaffected by how much torque is applied.

There is no need to slack off (or, if jarring down, pull) a precise amount of weight, or to control the travel of the jar, in order to re-cock it. The right travel will happen automatically so long as sufficient weight is slacked off or pulled up to allow the necessary travel at the tool.

Should the drill string get stuck on the bottom while drilling, or if twist offs happen, then a jar may deliver its releasing effort in an upwards motion. If the pipe becomes stuck off-bottom in key seats, or if it is stuck because of other reasons, it can be released by jarring downwards. The upward reaming methods can then be used in order to recover the whole drill string.

Should differential sticking be encountered, it may be necessary to move the stuck pipe to regain rotation and circulation, so that, for instance, jars can move up and down as normal. A jar actuation won’t disturb the directional orientation of the drillstring, so they are useful neutral tools for downhole motor directional drilling and directional jetting.

Jars are also of use in fishing and cutting jobs, as well as for drilling and production tools, cementing, coring operations, and multiple downhole operations.

Example of drilling jars in the market


Inglis, T.A. (2010) Directional drilling. Dordrecht: Springer-Verlag New York.

Mitchell, R.F., Miska, S.Z. and Aadnoy, B.S. (2012) Fundamentals of drilling engineering. Richardson, TX: Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Nov.com. (2018). National Oilwell Varco. [online] Available at: https://www.nov.com/Segments/Wellbore_Technologies/Downhole/Drilling_Tools/Reamers_and_Wipers/DL_Reamer.aspx [Accessed 17 Jan. 2018].

Schlumberger Limited (2017) Schlumberger Drilling Services. Available at: http://www.slb.com/services/drilling.aspx (Accessed: 25 February 2017).

Short, J.J.A. (1993) Introduction to directional and horizontal drilling. Tulsa, OK: PennWell Books.

Technical, T., Astier, B., Baron, G., Boe, J.-C., Peuvedic, J.L.P. and French Oil & Gas Industry Association (1990) Directional drilling and deviation control technology. Paris: Editions

What are Shock Subs and Its Applications?


Shock subs, also known as vibration dampeners, are used to absorb vibrations and bit shock loads in drill collar strings. They usually feature long integral elastomeric elements, which serve to transmit torque and weight to the bit simultaneously. When drilling is being carried out at shallow depths, intermittent hard and soft streaks, along with broken formations, can transmit vibrations to the surface, where they are easily detected. With greater depths, though, these vibrations might not be detected because the drill string cushions them. However, they will still cause damage to the bit, as well as bottom hole assembly components and the drill string.

Shock Sub (Vibration Dampeners), Hunting (2018)

Shock Sub (Vibration Dampeners), Hunting (2018)

Some advantages of using a shock sub include:

  • Offering faster drilling rates, since optimum bit weight and rotary speed may be used on the bit constantly.
  • Increasing the bit length by reducing shock loads.
  • Cutting damage to drill collars, drill pipe, and downhole tools by reducing bouncing.
  • Reduced connection damage, because the elastomeric element absorbs both torsional and axial loads, so that connections are not at risk if the bit stalls.
  • Reduced damage to surface equipment, including swivels, blocks, and wirelines.

With conventional drilling, the shock sub will be run between the bit and the drill collars, or else above the second stabilization point in the bottom hole assembly. An advantage of this is that it allows for any weight, pump pressure, and rotary speed to be used- it does not require and specialized operating techniques. There are also usually no weight limitations, although at particularly high temperatures, or when operating in oil based mud, prolonged exposure can take its toll on the elastomeric elements. The only type of servicing that can be performed on a rig is replacing the packing element, and anything else will have to be done in a specialist facility.

Shock Sub for Drilling

Shock Sub for Drilling

Shock subs may not usually used in drilling operations in several location because most drilling assemblies have been motor-type assemblies, whose bearing sections act as shock absorbers. Naturally, this means that additional shock absorption equipment is not needed. What’s more, since shock absorbers feature elastomeric parts integral to the string, there have been doubts about the mechanical integrity of the bottom hole assembly. Directional drillers may be uncomfortable with their use, since they are at some points less rigid than short drill collars which they replace.

As new rotary steerable systems are introduced, and oil-based muds are no longer used, then new shock absorbers are also coming into play. One of these is the Harmonic Isolation tool, which reduces vibrational loads generated by drill bit dynamics, while also helping to improve bit and BHA component life and lengthen the ROP when drilling in difficult conditions. It may be used in either rotary, rotary steerable, or mud motors, and limits radial and torsional vibration problems in hard formations. It furthermore reduces dynamic interaction between BHA and drill bit via a flexible geared connection.


Inglis, T.A. (2010) Directional drilling. Dordrecht: Springer-Verlag New York.

Mitchell, R.F., Miska, S.Z. and Aadnoy, B.S. (2012) Fundamentals of drilling engineering. Richardson, TX: Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Dampeners, V. (2018). Hunting Energy Services | Vibration Dampeners. [online] Hunting-intl.com. Available at: http://www.hunting-intl.com/drilling-tools/vibration-dampeners [Accessed 12 Apr. 2018].

Nov.com. (2018). National Oilwell Varco. [online] Available at: https://www.nov.com/Segments/Wellbore_Technologies/Downhole/Drilling_Tools/Reamers_and_Wipers/DL_Reamer.aspx [Accessed 17 Jan. 2018].

Schlumberger Limited (2017) Schlumberger Drilling Services. Available at: http://www.slb.com/services/drilling.aspx (Accessed: 25 February 2017).

Short, J.J.A. (1993) Introduction to directional and horizontal drilling. Tulsa, OK: PennWell Books.

Technical, T., Astier, B., Baron, G., Boe, J.-C., Peuvedic, J.L.P. and French Oil & Gas Industry Association (1990) Directional drilling and deviation control technology. Paris: Editions

What are Hole Openers for Drilling?


Hole openers are used to increase size of well bore and there are two broad categories of hole openers: fixed diameter hole openers, and under-reamers.

Fixed diameter hole openers are usually made up of three “cutters” arranged around a mandrel, and mounted on “saddles” by strong retaining pins. Cutters may be milled tooth, PDC, or TC inserts, which will vary depending on the formation to be cut.

Fixed Diameter Hole Opener

Fixed Diameter Hole Opener (Getech Equipments International, 2018)

Under-reamers, on the other hand, are hydraulically actuated hole openers that possess two or three arms. They are primarily used when a hole needs to be opened to a diameter larger than the casing which has already been set. Both of these forms typically feature a series of fluid passages, or “jets”, which are arranged to keep the cutters lubricated and help with the removal of cuttings. These need to be set up properly before use, to ensure a balanced mud flow both through and out of the hole opener.

Crew sets up the under reamer to enlarge the hole,

Crew sets up the under reamer to enlarge the hole, (tamu.edu, 2003)

Holes that have previously been drilled can be re-opened using a fixed diameter hole opener. In this case, a “bull nose” will be run beneath it. Otherwise, a fixed diameter hole opener can be used to drill a new hole, usually alongside a drilling assembly. This assembly will usually be made up of a drill bit, a short drill collar, the hole opener, and so on. One potential use of this method drilling is to use a series of hole openers, with each one growing increasingly wider in diameter. This is often used when “spudding” a new well in order to set the conductor, or surface casing. It can also be run on the bottom of a mud motor- one situation necessitating this might be where there is no surface drive available.

 Hole openers may be used for drilling large diameter holes in order to set platform legs, before grouting takes place. They might also be used to wipe out a key seat, or to deliberately drill an oversized hole if it is necessary to add some additional cement behind a subsequent casing string.

Most rigs feature fixed diameter hole openers as standard. However, they are not always used with the same degree of care and precision as other specialized pieces of drilling equipment. Shoulder areas and connections need to be inspected routinely, and the same goes for welds. They are just as important as a remainder for keeping the drill string in good condition.


Inglis, T.A. (2010) Directional drilling. Dordrecht: Springer-Verlag New York.

Mitchell, R.F., Miska, S.Z. and Aadnoy, B.S. (2012) Fundamentals of drilling engineering. Richardson, TX: Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Short, J.J.A. (1993) Introduction to directional and horizontal drilling. Tulsa, OK: PennWell Books.

Technical, T., Astier, B., Baron, G., Boe, J.-C., Peuvedic, J.L.P. and French Oil & Gas Industry Association (1990) Directional drilling and deviation control technology. Paris: Editions

Getech Equipments International Private Limited. (2018). Mud Rotary Drilling Accessories – Tricon Rock Roller Bits Manufacturer from Hyderabad. [online] http://www.getechequipments.com/mud-rotary-drilling-accessories.html#tricon-rock-roller-bits. Available at: http://www.getechequipments.com/mud-rotary-drilling-accessories.html [Accessed 15 Apr. 2018].

Slb.com. (2018). Fixed-Diameter Hole Opener | Schlumberger. [online] Available at: https://www.slb.com/services/drilling/tools_services/reamers_stabilizers/fixed_hole_opener.aspx [Accessed 15 Apr. 2018].

Anon, (n.d.). 210_4_66. [online] Available at: http://www-odp.tamu.edu/public/life/210/week4/pages/210_4_66.html[Accessed 15 Apr. 2018].

Nov.com. (2018). National Oilwell Varco. [online] Available at: https://www.nov.com/Segments/Wellbore_Technologies/Downhole/Drilling_Tools/Reamers_and_Wipers/DL_Reamer.aspx [Accessed 17 Jan. 2018].

What are Positive Displacement Mud Motors in Drilling for Oil and Gas?


Positive-Displacement Motors (PDM) make use of a power generation section which is made up of a rotor/stator combination. In order to move a rotor part,  a PDM requires hydraulic power from drilling fluid flowing through the power generation part. With a PDM, the stator and rotor work in tandem in the same way that gears do. The stator acts as the outer gear, and is made from a moulded elastomer featuring at least two lobes. The OD of the elastomer is protected by a secure metal casing. The rotor is positioned within the stator, and acts as an internal gear. This rotor is made of metal, and will have one less gear or lobe than the stator. Because of this difference, a cavity is created which is filled with drilling fluid when the PDM is downhole. This cavity acts as a wedge when it is put under pressure, and because the drilling fluid itself can’t be compressed, the force applied to the top of the wedge causes the rotor to move.

Mud Motor

Figure 1 – Mud Motor

Given the helical shape of the rotor, such an application of force causes the rotor to rotate. As with a turbine, this rotation is then transmitted to the drive shaft and from there on to the drill bit. A seal around the cavity is produced as a result of contact between the OD of the rotor and the ID of the stator, as seen in Figure 2. This means that torque is applied to the rotor in order to overcome the resistance caused by the bit/formation interface and contact resistance between internal motor components.

Mud motor rotation

Figure 2 – Mud motor rotation (Wikipedia, 2018)

In a turbine, torque and bit speed are dependent on each other; this is not so within a PDM. However, an exception to this rule is where the rotor is “nozzled” (when a bore through the rotor is used to divert a portion of the drilling fluid).  As per the theory , torque is proportional to differential pressure (which increases at the surface as WOB increases), as bit speed is also proportional to the flow rate. The torque is proportional to the cube diameter of the motor, and the speed is inversely proportional to this same factor. Therefore, power is proportional to the square of the motor diameter. A function of the stator/rotor sliding speed during rotation is the speed limitation of the PDM. This is also affected by the drilling fluid velocity through the cavities.

The rotor/stator configuration is what controls the torque/bit speed relationship as seen in Figure 3 . When the number of rotor/stator lobes increases from the single lobe arrangement of conventional motors to multiple lobes, the bit speed will decrease, while the torque production will increase. This allows for the optimization of torque and bit speed, which is needed for roller-cone bits and drag-type PDC bits. Normal PDMs cannot meet these output necessities.

Mud Motor Configuration, RPM, Torque Relationship

Figure 3 – Mud Motor Configuration, RPM, Torque Relationship (directionaldrillingart.blogspot.com, 2017)

Components of PDM

This information below explains main components of PDM.

Dump Valve

The by-pass valve, or dump valve, is shown in Figure 4 below. It is used to allow drilling fluid to fill the drillstring from the annulus when it is tripping into the wellbore, or to drain it when it is tripping out. Thanks to this valve, the bottom of the wellbore maintains a constant pressure, which helps to prevent control problems during trips.

Figure 4 - Dump Valve

Figure 4 – Dump Valve(directionaldrillingart.blogspot.com, 2017)

Power Section

In the power section (Figure 5), the spiral shaped rotor produces rotation when the drilling fluid force acts upon it. Should the bit/formation resistance to rotation (known as the drilling torque requirement) be too great, then the drilling fluid can potentially cause the elastomeric material of the stator to become deformed temporarily. The division or seal between high and low pressure is then lost, which causes the motor to stall. As the pressure inside each cavity decreases from leakage of fluid volume past the lost seal, there will be a significant pressure increase at the surface. This means that the motor needs to be lifted off the bottom, and then restarted. Should the stall not be properly corrected, the stator will be permanently damaged, and the life of the overall motor reduced. This is especially important when working with higher flow rates or high differential pressures. Less applied differential pressure will mean fewer stalls.

Figure 5 - Power Section (Dyna-Drill.com, 2018)

Figure 5 – Power Section (Dyna-Drill.com, 2018)

The center axis of stator and rotor are not identical. The offset between these two center points is known as “eccentricity”. When the rotor turns within the stator, its axis moves around that of the stator. One full rotation around this stator access is called a nutation or precession. To find a PDM’s precessional speed, one must multiply the rotational speed by the number of rotor lobes. This process is, in effect, a gear reduction mechanism, and accounts for why the bit speed will decrease when the rotor/stator lobe configuration is increased.

The stator itself is formed out of a steel tube, lined with elastomer, and with spiraled lobes which correspond to the rotor. The material needs to be rigid enough to withstand abrasion and wear from the solids in the drilling fluid, but also flexible enough to provide enough of a seal on the rotor. It is therefore necessary to find some midpoint between these two demands. The materially also needs to be minimally affected by the numerous chemicals in the drilling fluid, as well as normal operating temperatures. It is vital that the elastomer bonds properly to the steel casing. It needs to be completely clean, to allow for effective adhesion.

After this is done, the elastomeric material needs to be pumped into its proper place, to prevent air pockets developing between the elastomer and its casing, as well as within the elastomer itself. Finally, an intricate curing process needs to take place. Although this is considered proprietary, it is nonetheless similar to the procedures used to heat-treat various metals.

Power Curves

PDM Power Curves are an extremely useful source of specific data when required drilling parameters are known. There are four major parameters displayed on the Power Curve format used here:

  • Output Torque (foot-pounds)
  • Output Rotational Speed (revolutions per minute)
  • Total Pressure Drop (pounds per square inch)
  • Drilling Fluid Flow Rate (gallons per minute)
Figure 5 - Power Cure of Mud Motor (Halliburton, 2018)

Figure 5 – Power Cure of Mud Motor (Halliburton, 2018)

These graphs refer specifically to a stated design (i.e. a rotor/stator configuration), and one where water is used as the fluid medium. Should a fluid of a higher density or viscosity be used, the torque and pressure drop will subsequently be higher. Using weighted fluid will have an impact on the parasitic (free-running) pressure losses which are a part of the total pressure drop. Said parasitic pressure losses are in part a result of contact between the particles of barite which is used to raise the density of the fluid. When the drilling fluid weight goes up, so too does the amount of solid particles and thereby the particle-to-particle contact.

In addition, if a fluid is used which is more viscos than water, the torque output will be larger than the one indicated by a water-based curve. This is because thicker fluids result in a better seal between rotor and stator, maximizing the differential pressure that may be applied. Given the direct relationship between torque production and applied differential pressure, higher differential pressure across the PBM means there will be greater torque production than that shown on the Power Curve, as the seal is improved.

Transmission Assembly

The Transmission Assembly takes care of the eccentric rotation, or precession, of the rotor, which needs to be stabilized within the stator when the mechanical energy reaches the bit. On top of this purpose, the transmission assembly will also absorb some of the hydraulic thrust which originates in the power section, and transmit the generated torque to the drive or output shaft. There are multiple designs used in the drilling industry to achieve this purpose.

Figure 6 - Transmission Assembly

Figure 6 – Transmission Assembly (http://steelmakingmachine.com, 2017)

Bearing Assembly

Bearing assembly which consists of radial and axial thrust bearing supports a transmission assembly. The bearing assembly transmits rotational force from the the transmission assembly and support both trust load and radial bending load while drilling.

Figure 7 - Bearing Assembly

Figure 7 – Bearing Assembly

There are two types of bearing assembly.

  1. Oil Sealed Bearing Assembly – This type is recommended to use when corrosive drilling fluid is utilized, there is a lot of LCM to be pumped through the BHA or it is required to have very low pressure drop across the bit.
  2. Mud Lubricated Bearing Assembly – This type use some of mud flowing through the bearing assembly. Typically, it is about 4 – 10% of mud which is used to lubricate and cool the shaft and bearings.

Adjustable Bend Housing

An adjustable bend housing (figure 8) connects a bearing assembly to a stator and it also provides protection to a transmission assembly. The bending on a mud motor can be adjusted in order to achieve a required build rates while sliding. If the angle is set at 0 degree bend, it is normally used to improve drilling performance in a vertical well since a bit will spin faster than a rotary drilling.

Figure 8 - Adjustable Bend Housing

Figure 8 – Adjustable Bend Housing (http://drillingknowledge.blogspot.com, 2018)


Inglis, T.A. (2010) Directional drilling. Dordrecht: Springer-Verlag New York.

Mitchell, R.F., Miska, S.Z. and Aadnoy, B.S. (2012) Fundamentals of drilling engineering. Richardson, TX: Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Short, J.J.A. (1993) Introduction to directional and horizontal drilling. Tulsa, OK: PennWell Books.

Technical, T., Astier, B., Baron, G., Boe, J.-C., Peuvedic, J.L.P. and French Oil & Gas Industry Association (1990) Directional drilling and deviation control technology. Paris: Editions

En.wikipedia.org. (2018). Mud motor. [online] Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mud_motor [Accessed 28 Apr. 2018].

Directionaldrillingart.blogspot.com. (2018). SDMM – An Introduction. [online] Available at: https://directionaldrillingart.blogspot.com/2015/10/sdmm-introduction.html [Accessed 28 Apr. 2018].

Dyna-drill.com. (2018). dyna-drill.com. [online] Available at: https://www.dyna-drill.com/power-sections [Accessed 28 Apr. 2018].

Halliburton.com. (2018). SperryDrill® and SperryDrill® XL/XLS Positive Displacement Motors – Halliburton. [online] Available at: http://www.halliburton.com/en-US/ps/sperry/drilling/directional-drilling/matched-systems/sperrydrill-and-sperrydrill-xl/sperrydrill-and-sperrydrill-xl-xls-positive-displacement-motors.page [Accessed 28 Apr. 2018].

Steelmakingmachine.com. (2018). Downhole Drilling Motor,Downhole Tools,Energy Conversion Device Manufacturer. [online] Available at: http://steelmakingmachine.com/6-1-downhole-drilling-motor.html [Accessed 28 Apr. 2018].

Drilling, S. and man, h. (2018). Steerable Downhole Mud Motor – Directional Drilling. [online] Drillingknowledge.blogspot.com. Available at: http://drillingknowledge.blogspot.com/2017/11/steerable-downhole-mud-motor.html [Accessed 29 Apr. 2018].

What are Turbine Drilling Motors?


Turbine Motors work by harnessing the energy of a continuous flow of steam which passes through them. More specifically, drilling fluid travelling down the drillstem is deflected by the blades of a stator which is connected to the housing. This deflected fluid then flows over the blades of a rotor, which causes the drive shaft itself to rotate. The blades of both the rotor and stator are configured in the same way as a standard ventilation fan, but with the blades positioned in reverse. This is because a fan is designed to propel air outwards with a motor, whereas a turbine requires an input of air or liquid to turn its motor.

Mud or drilling fluid is pumped down the drillstring from the surface, until it enters the power section of the turbine. It then comes into contact with the stator blades, which cannot move since they are fixed to the turbine housing. The fluid’s momentum is therefore redirected to the rotor blades. This then moves the drive shaft to the drill bit, causing it to rotate. When the rotor blades perform their exit turns, the liquid is then directed into the next rotor/stator stage. Each turbine may include up to 400 of these stages, although a more typical figure is 100-250. Every stage will transmit the same amount of torque to the drive shaft, and uses up an equal amount of the total energy.

Figure 1 - Turbine Motors, (oilandgasproductnews.com, 2015)

Figure 1 – Components of Turbine Motors, (oilandgasproductnews.com, 2015)


To know how a turbine works, one needs to understand its basic components found in a typical turbine-type downhole hydraulic motor.

Circulating Sub

Figure 2 - Circulating Sub for Turbine Motors

Figure 2 – Circulating Sub for Turbine Motors

 The first part is the circulating sub (figure 2). This enables drilling fluid to by-pass the power section of the turbine itself when output is not needed. This might be of use in, for example, a well control situation, where fluid circulation is needed without bit rotation. In order to actuate the circulating sub, a “drop ball” made from either plastic or metal will be inserted into the drillstem at the surface. This will then be pumped down the string until it comes to rest on an internal sleeve, which will be kept in place through the use of shear pins. When the drop ball is on the sleeve, the fluid flow becomes restricted. This puts extra pressure on the ball, until it eventually shears the pins and pushes the sleeve further into the ID of the sub. This process serves to expose fluid communication ports, and means the drilling fluid can flow without going through the turbine at the bottom of the drillstring. Bit rotation is halted, and the operation requiring circulation may continue without adversely affecting the components of the turbine or drill bit. After the sub has been actuated, the turbine trust is tripped from the wellbore for deactivation at surface. Once the assembly has been returned to bottom, drilling may continue.

Power Section

This part of the turbine is made up of multiple rotor/stator stages, with one of each of these components per stage. The stator is made out of between 25 and 300 blades which are held in position by two rings as shown in Figure 3. The inner ring encloses the drive shaft, which can still spin freely, while the skirt is attached to the motor section itself. Remaining stationary, the stator blades direct drilling fluid onto opposing rotor blades at the right angle to convert the motion of the fluid into a rotary motion which is then transmitted to the drive shaft.

Figure 4 - Turbine Stage Components, rotor&stator

Figure 3 – Turbine Stage Components, rotor&stator

The blades of the rotor are also held in place by two concentric rings.  The hub ring is fixed to the drive shaft, while the outer ring is left free to rotate within the ID of the housing. This outer ring collects and directs the drilling fluid onwards towards the stator of the following stage. While the mud flows, the housing of the power section stays stationary, and the drive shaft, along with the rotors, may spin effectively.

In order to make the components of the power section last as long as possible, and to minimize friction, the blade angles relative to the cross-sectional axis should be raised alongside the flow rate. The resulting increase in the inlet and outlet angles helps to cut axial stresses on the blades, but still allows for torque and rotation. Should the turbine be used for lower rates, then increasing the blade angles can help to maximize power output.

Since the stator serves to guides the drilling fluid onto the rotor, the downward vector force of the fluid is thus redirected- this force is what causes the rotor to rotate, and the rotor is what powers the drill shaft.

Bearing Section

Thrust bearing assemblies, which are illustrated in Figure 4, take on axial or vertical loads which are applied to the turbine. On the other hand, radial bearings serve to provide lateral support for any loads which may be a result of side-force application at the bit.

Figure 4 - Turbine Motor Trust Bearing (red circle),

Figure 4 – Turbine Motor Trust Bearing (red circle), (oilandgasproductnews.com, 2015)

To lengthen tool life, special friction bearings are used. Fixed bearing disks are coated with an elastomer which is highly resistant to abrasion, and also to the effects of hydrocarbons. They can be used in many different circumstances. Given the high rotational speed of the rotors, heat is built up on the bearing surface. This results in a film which has a very low coefficient of friction.

In cases where the turbine is circulated off-bottom, there is a downward force caused by the weight of the rotor, and axial forces that are caused by the momentum of the drilling fluid. This is known as hydraulic thrust, and is similar to the thrust which is used by a rocket to achieve lift-off.

In a turbine, the moving drilling fluid develops momentum as it moves through the power chambers. This momentum depends on both the density of the fluid and its velocity; the latter is a function of flow rate and flow area. Higher fluid momentum means increased hydraulic thrust. If left to its own devices, the trust would eventually push the power section of the turbine out of its surrounding casing. Thrust bearings serve to counteract this force. The force will also be applied to parts in the power section, and in rare cases can even push the rotors and stators into collision, causing a large amount of damage and significantly reducing the lifespan of these parts.

It is vital that the right bit is chosen, because turbines usually develop extremely high rotational speeds. The weight-on-bit (WOB) range of the bit also needs to be taken into consideration. As the drilling assembly tags the bottom of the wellbore, the WOB starts to increase from a zero-pounds-force to the amount that the system will allow. This causes an upward force that works in opposition to the hydraulic thrust that the drilling fluid causes. As WOB and hydraulic thrust approach an equilibrium, the resultant force on the bearings is reduced. Ideally, the hydraulic thrust from the turbine should be equal to the applied WOB, as this will produce a balance in the bearings. If equilibrium is impossible, it is possible to attach a compression pre-load to the bearing in advance, so that less WOB is needed to reach an equilibrium.

Mechanical Characteristics of Turbine Motors

Figure 5 shows the theoretical relationship between Bit Speed (n), Torque (M), Pressure Drop (P), efficiency factor (K) and Mechanical Power (N) within a typical turbine. As a varying function of WOB, torque and bit speeds are inversely proportional. When the bit is off-bottom, the bit speed reaches a maximum known as Runaway Speed (Nr). This has a negative impact on the lifespan of bearings within the assembly, and should therefore be minimized if not avoided completely. When WOB increases, so too do the torque requirements of the bit/formation interface. Simultaneously, the bit speed will decrease in proportion. Should weight application carry on, it is possible for the torque requirements to exceed what the turbine is capable of; this will cause rotation to stop completely. This is known as “stall torque” (Ts), and should be avoided wherever possible. Pressure Drop (P) across the entirety of the turbine usually remains stable, and is not affected by changes in WOB.

Figure 5 - Mechanic Character of Turbine Motors, Simonyants, S. L. (2016, October 24)

Figure 5 – Mechanic Character of Turbine Motors, Simonyants, S. L. (2016, October 24)

Hydraulic thrust, a result of the hydraulic motor, needs to be explored in greater depth in order to fully understand it. While drilling fluid is flowing through the power section, all of these components, including rotor and stator blades as well as the bit itself, will cause a flow restriction. This leads to a slight pressure build-up in the drillstring, situated above the turbine. This back pressure will eventually stretch out the drill string, and the stress is something like that of an inflated balloon. This stress is then absorbed by the thrust bearings.

An on-bottom situation is only a worst-case scenario when it comes to the stresses which need to be absorbed. To prevent this, the amount of WOB utilized during drilling has to be as close as possible to the calculated hydraulic thrust. This ensures that stresses on the thrust bearings are balanced, and therefore keeps the downhole life of the hole assembly to its maximum amount.

The mechanical horsepower (H) output of the system is a result of both torque and bit speed. It can therefore be calculated using the equation:

H = (T×N)÷5252

Where H = Horsepower (mechanical)

T = Torque (ft-lhs)

N = bit speed (RPM)

5,252 is a unit conversion constant.

The maximum H can be achieved when T = Ts / 2 and when N = Nr / 2. This means that the optimum torque of a turbine is one half the stall torque, and the optimum speed is runaway speed. How much torque is produced is linked to the number of stages within the turbine- as the latter increases, so does the former.

Special Bits Used for Turbine Motors

Since turbine motors spin at high speed, diamond impregnated bits (Figure 6) are typically used.  Diamond impregnated bits (impreg bits) are another design of fixed-cutter bits. These bits have diamond elements, which can be either natural diamond or synthetic diamond, mixed into a matrix body of the bits and the drilling mechanism for this bit is grinding. Diamond elements must be embedded into the matrix body because diamond is brittle. With support of a matrix around diamond elements, it helps absorb impact force generated while drilling so that diamond elements can effectively grind formations away. Diamond volume concentration can be about 5 – 30 % of the bit matrix volume.

Figure 6- Natural diamonds and Impregnated Bits

Figure 6- Natural diamonds and Impregnated Bits, Intergas.com. (2018)

The impregnated bits are generally used to drill hard and highly abrasive formations such as well-cemented sandstone, limestone, carbonate and volcanic rocks. Since the diamond element is very small, the depth-of-cut (DOC) of this bit is very shallow. In order to improve the rate of penetration (ROP), it is required to drill with a very high rotation speed. Hence, the impregnated bits are used in conjunction with high speed displacement mud motors or turbine motors.


Inglis, T.A. (2010) Directional drilling. Dordrecht: Springer-Verlag New York.

Mitchell, R.F., Miska, S.Z. and Aadnoy, B.S. (2012) Fundamentals of drilling engineering. Richardson, TX: Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Short, J.J.A. (1993) Introduction to directional and horizontal drilling. Tulsa, OK: PennWell Books.

Technical, T., Astier, B., Baron, G., Boe, J.-C., Peuvedic, J.L.P. and French Oil & Gas Industry Association (1990) Directional drilling and deviation control technology. Paris: Editions

Oil & Gas Product News. (2018). Turbine drilling solution proves successful in hard Montney shale formations. [online] Available at: https://www.oilandgasproductnews.com/article/20954/turbine-drilling-solution-proves-successful-in-hard-montney-shale-formations [Accessed 2 May 2018].

Simonyants, S. L. (2016, October 24). Turbodrill and Screw Motor: Development Dialectics. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/182147-MS

Scribd. (2018). Downhole Mud Motors – Directional Drilling Club | Bearing (Mechanical) | Transmission (Mechanics). [online] Available at: https://es.scribd.com/document/324565833/Downhole-Mud-Motors-Directional-Drilling-Club [Accessed 2 May 2018].

Halliburton.com. (2018). Turbine Drilling Motors – Halliburton. [online] Available at: http://www.halliburton.com/en-US/ps/sperry/drilling/directional-drilling/turbine-drilling.page [Accessed 2 May 2018].

Intergas.com. (2018). INTERGAS – Drilling, Production and Exploration. [online] Available at: http://www.intergas.com/en/ser_trepanos.html [Accessed 3 May 2018].

What is Fishing Operation?


In technical terms, a fish can be any object which has been lost or stuck in a borehole, and has a serious negative impact on well operations. Fishes can be anything, whether that is a drill string that has come away, a bit cone, or even a hand tool that has been inadvertently dropped into the well. To solve this issue, fishing involves the use of special tools and procedures to recover the fish and allow drilling to continue. While this article will deal solely with regular fishing, there is also an alternative method, which involves using through-tubing processes that make use of tools on a wireline or coiled tubing.

Virtually any object that is dropped into a well, or even run into it, may need to be fished out at some point. Furthermore, the need for fishing may arise at any given point during operations, and there are therefore a wide range of different tools and methods. There are three main technologies that these solutions are built around, though: pulling, milling, or cutting the pipe itself, and other downhole parts.

A fishing job is one option, but this will depend on the cost and likelihood of success. Other options include:

  • Leaving the fish where it is, and sidetracking or redrilling the well to follow an alternative path
  • Leaving the fish where it is, and completing the well in a shallower zone
  • Abandoning the well altogether

Preferably, the fish should be completely avoided in the first place, thanks to the right planning and proper drilling practices. However, it is important that a contingency plan is in place should the situation arise.

Categories of Fishing Jobs

Although many different objects can get lost or stuck in a wellbore, fish can be divided into a few major categories.

Stuck pipe

The pipe can become stuck in the hole due to a number of different reasons, including key seating, mechanical sticking, differential sticking, and solids accumulation.

Read more details about stuck pipe here –http://www.drillingformulas.com/stuck-pipe-summary/ and  http://www.drillingformulas.com/category/stuck-pipe-2/

Parted Pipe

Usually, a drill string parting is caused by metal fatigue.

Figure 1 - Parted Drill String (Schulumberger 2013)

Figure 1 – Parted Drill String (Schulumberger 2013)

There are several types of fatigue failure, and they may occur simultaneously:

  • Twist-off : Twist-off occurs when applied torque exceeds a pipe body or tool joint’s torsional strength limits. This failure usually causes a sudden loss of hook load, as well as a sharp drop in pump pressure. Twist-offs may occur when trying to rotate stuck pipe.
  • Washout: Washout is when a hole is worn in the pipe, and becomes increasingly larger due to circulating drilling fluid. This can eventually sever or twist off the pipe entirely. Washouts usually occur at rotary connections, due to improper make-up, cracks or defective materials. From the surface, a washout may be indicated by a gradual decrease in pump pressure at constant pump rate. Read more details about wash out drill pipe case study here – http://www.drillingformulas.com/washout-drill-pipe-experience/
  • Cyclic Stress Failure: Drill pipes can experience cyclic stress if they wear out after a great deal of use. Furthermore, corrosion or mishandling may lead to fatigue failure.


Figure 2 - Junk in hole causes stuck pipe.

Figure 2 – Junk in hole causes stuck pipe.

Junk can consist of all manner of things, from bit cones and tong dies, to hand tools or other objects that have been accidentally dropped into the hole. Junk can cause irregular torque, or prevent drilling ahead after a new bit is run.

It might not even be necessary to recover junk, if it is small enough or in the right location, or depending on the formation hardness. Instead, the junk could be ground with the bit, or pushed to the side of a soft formation where it will not get in the way of drilling operations.

Cable and Wireline Tools

Figure 2 - Fishing Wireline in Hole, Dynastyenergyservices.net

Figure 3 – Fishing Wireline in Hole, Dynastyenergyservices.net

For the same reasons that pipes become stuck, wireline tools can also become stuck. However, different fishing equipment is -needed in order to fish for these wireline tools. The main issue with wireline tools is the fact that cables can easily become tangled, or wadded in the hole itself. What’s more, fishing attempts could disconnect the wireline from the rope socket or part, which naturally makes tool retrieval a much more complicated task. One also needs to take into account safety and environmental factors, especially if the stuck assembly contains radioactive source material.

Fishing Challenges

In most situations, it is relatively simple to diagnose and resolve a fishing situation. For instance, should a bit torque up, and it is found that a cone is missing, then it will be clear that junk has been left inside the well. Alternatively, by looking at the recovered portion of a parted drill string, it is possible to calculate where the parting happened, and what caused it. These calculations allow for the right fishing tool assembly to be constructed, and for the rest of the string to be recovered.

However, that is not to say that all fishing jobs are easy and simple. It might be that as more information is gained about the fish, the more difficult the job becomes. For example, it is easy to diagnose where a twist-off has happened, but when pulling out of the hole, one may find that the pipe has a jagged edge, which makes it more difficult to use fishing tools to engage with the fish. It might also be the case that the fish is in the hole at an angle that makes it difficult to engage with. The fish might even have split into multiple pieces, making the recover operation much more complicated. For these reasons, fishing operations are not just dependent on what equipment and methods are used, but on the ingenuity and planning of drilling operators.

Planning and Preparation for Fishing Operation

By planning out the well carefully, and adhering to proper drilling practices, the need for fishing can be avoided in most cases. However, it’s impossible to completely eliminate the risk of fishing jobs. By assuming that something will eventually go wrong, drilling companies can be prepared for any eventuality.

To make the fishing job easier, it is vital that you have access to all relevant records of equipment in the well. Your records will need to contain the following information:

  • A tally of your current drill pipe, including its weight, grade and tool joint specifications
  • Information on the ensile strength of the pipe, as well as the rig’s hoisting capacity. This must include the maximum pull that the pipe can take based on these limitations, as well as necessary safety factors
  • In-depth plans of the bottomhole assembly, with each tool’s length, inside and outside diameters, and rotary connections listed
  • If you are using logging or surveying equipment, then you’ll need the dimensions of each tool used, along with the diameter and strength of the wireline
  • A complete casing record, including all casing depths, diameters, weights and grades, perforation depths, liner tops and any other relevant information
  • Up-to-date mud reports

The information needed for drilling can be obtained from a wide range of sources, including mud company reports, tour sheets, and tally books. It is the drilling engineer’s responsibility to ensure this information is readily available at all times, and should therefore put some of it together in a regularly updated notebook.

To minimize the amount of time needed for fishing, the tools and personnel required should be ready to go in advance. This means that the problem can be resolved in as little time as possible. In highly developed drilling areas, a fishing service company should be available to you around the clock. In more difficult to reach drill sires, operators should keep all the necessary fishing tools on-site, since the cost of storage will be outweighed by the lost time waiting for the tools to be delivered, and makes it more likely that the job will be completed quickly and successfully.


DeGeare, J. (2003). The Guide to Oilwell Fishing Operations: Tools, Techniques, and Rules of Thumb (Gulf Drilling Guides). 1st ed. Houston: Gulf Professional Publishing.

Jr. Adam T. Bourgoyne , Keith K. Millheim , Martin E. Chenevert , Jr. F. S. Young (1991). Applied drilling engineering textbook. (1991). 2nd ed. United States: Society OF PETROLEUM ENGINEERS OF AIME (TX).

Azar, J. and Samuel, G. (2008). Drilling engineering. 1st ed. Tulsa, Okla.: PennWell.

Johnson, E., Land, J., Lee, M. and Robertson, R. (2013). Landing the Big One – The Art of Fishing. [online] Slb.com. Available at: https://www.slb.com/~/media/Files/resources/oilfield_review/ors12/win12/3_fish_art.pdf [Accessed 12 Jun. 2018].

Dynasty Downhole Services. (2018). Sandline Fishing Pics & Case History. [online] Available at: http://www.dynastyenergyservices.net/news/fishing-sandline [Accessed 12 Jun. 2018].

Wireline Tool Recovery In Case of Wireline Tool Stuck


Wireline tool such as logging tool, slick line tool can be stuck in the hole therefore we need to understand about wireline recovery tool. This article demonstrate typical wireline fishing / recovery tool.  Common wireline tool issues center around the cable being tangled or wadded in the hole, as well as the fact that attempts at fishing can pull the wireline out of the rope socket or part, further complicating tool retrieval.

Stuck Cable or Tools

As soon as a wireline assembly becomes stuck, the operator will need to determine whether the problem is in the cable or the tool. Usually, one would apply normal logging tension on the cable and allow it to sit for a few minutes. During this time, four things should be recorded:

  1. the current depth of the tool
  2. the type and size of the cable
  3. the surface tension of the cable just prior to becoming stuck
  4. the cable-head’s weakpoint rating

The cable will be marked at the rotary table, and a T-bar clamp will also be securely fitted to the cable just above the table. Should the cable break, then the clamp holds on to the cable end at the surface, so that the whole cable does not fall down the hole and cause additional blockage. The operator will hen need to apply 1000 lbf of tension on the cable, and make a note of the distance that the cable mark moves at the rotary table. This figure shows the stretch produced in the elastic cable. It is then possible to estimate the length of free cable, using a stretch chart or from prior knowledge of the cable’s stretch coefficient. Should the length of free cable be the same as the current logging depth, then the problem does not lie with the cable; rather, the tool is stuck, and not the cable. If the length of free cable is less than current logging depth, then the cable is stuck at some higher point in the hole.

If it is the tool which is stuck, and not the cable, then pulling on the cable will cause one of three results. The tool may come free, the weakpoint can break and the tool will remain in the hole but the cable can be removed, or the cable will break at the point of maximum tension.

Causes of Sticking

When the cable cuts through mudcake, differential pressure sticking may occur. This is because one side of the cable is exposed to some degree of formation pressure, whereas the other is exposed to the hydrostatic mud column. Due to this significant difference in pressure, the cable will be pressed harshly into the formation, and friction against the formation stops the cable from moving any longer. Other reasons why sticking may occur include ledges, particularly severe doglegs, borehole caving, or the borehole becoming corkscrewed. As the length of the tool increases, as well as when there has been a long amount of time since the last conditioning trip, the chances of sticking will go up.

Recovery Options

When a wireline tool or cable gets stuck, there are several different ways that they can be recovered.

Side-Door Overshot

One option is a side-door overshot as shown in Figure 1. This method is similar to a regular overshot, except that it features a removable side door, so that the tool can be put together around the wireline at the well head itself. It is then possible to run the tool on some tubing or on the drillpipe, downhole alongside the wireline in order to make direct contact with the tool. This stops the wireline from being at risk of parting.

Figure 1 - Side Door Overshot (Courtesy of Weatherford)

Figure 1 – Side Door Overshot (Courtesy of Weatherford)

It is not recommended that side-door overshots are used with deep open hole intervals. This is because it introduces the potential for keyseating, or differential sticking in the mud cake.

Throughout modern drilling, the most successful method to retrieve stuck logging tools is through the cut-and-thread method. This involves cutting the wireline at the surface, and then threading it through a pipe string while the pipe is lowered, until it engages with the logging tool. The line must be secured at the surface, and rope sockets need to be fitted to each end to form a spearhead both emerging from the top of the well, and a spearhead overshot at the logging end. A stand of pipe will then be hung in the derrick, allowing enough of an overshot at the bottom to catch the logging tool, or at least the wireline rope socket. When the upper end of the line is spooled down through the interior of the pipe until the overshot connects with the spearhead at the bottom, then the pipe will be run into the hole. This is repeated with additional stands until the bottom of the string is close enough to the fish. When this is achieved, the spearhead overshot can be disengaged and the overshot can be circulated clean, before it engages with the tool. When the fish has been grasped securely, the wireline will be pulled free from the rope socket, and then spooled out of the hole, and the tool itself recovered with the fishing string. Although the cut-and-thread method takes a lot of time, and comes with a certain amount of risk, it vastly improves the chances of recovering the wireline and tool fully, and is much quicker than trying to engage with the wireline in an open hole.

If it is not possible to use either a side-door overshot or a cut-and-thread, then an alternative is to break the weakpoint, and then recover the cable and use the drill pipe to fish for the logging tool. If tool recovery is not an option, then a last resort is to push it to the very bottom of the hole, and then plug it using cement.

Wireline Barb (Rope Spear)

Wirelines that are wadded or tangled can be retrieved with a wireline barb or rope spear. This penetrates the debris, engages with it, and then allows the debris to be pulled away, as shown in Figure 2. This is one of the most basic forms of fishing tool, and gives strong results when used in the right way.

Figure 2 - Rope Spear (Courtesy of Weatherford)

Figure 2 – Rope Spear (Courtesy of Weatherford)


DeGeare, J. (2003). The Guide to Oilwell Fishing Operations: Tools, Techniques, and Rules of Thumb (Gulf Drilling Guides). 1st ed. Houston: Gulf Professional Publishing.

Jr. Adam T. Bourgoyne , Keith K. Millheim , Martin E. Chenevert , Jr. F. S. Young (1991). Applied drilling engineering textbook. (1991). 2nd ed. United States: Society OF PETROLEUM ENGINEERS OF AIME (TX).

Azar, J. and Samuel, G. (2008). Drilling engineering. 1st ed. Tulsa, Okla.: PennWell.

Weatherford.com. (2018). Fishing Services | Weatherford International. [online] Available at: https://www.weatherford.com/en/products-and-services/intervention-and-abandonment/fishing-services/ [Accessed 19 Jun. 2018].

Pixabay.com. (2018). Free Image on Pixabay – Natural Gas, Search, Oil Rig. [online] Available at: https://pixabay.com/en/natural-gas-search-oil-rig-863224/ [Accessed 19 Jun. 2018].

The post Wireline Tool Recovery In Case of Wireline Tool Stuck appeared first on Drilling Formulas and Drilling Calculations.

Junk Removal Tools Used for Drilling and Workover Operation


Junk refers to any objects or debris which have been dropped into or lost in the hole. Junk can include all manner of things, from downhole tools and bottomhole assembly components, to bit cones, or even hand tools which have been accidentally dropped into the hole. In some cases, it may be clear what the junk is, such as when something has been visibly dropped down the hole. On the other hand, though, it may sometimes be unclear just what is causing the problem. While drilling is taking place, junk can be detected by an irregular torque, or by the drill being unable to move ahead when a new bit has been run. In order to remove any junk from a well, junk removal tools will be used depending on a particular condition of junk and wellbore.

There are three main ways that junk can be dealt with; which method is chosen will depend on the size of the junk itself, and how hard the formation is. The junk can be recovered whole, split into smaller pieces so that these pieces can be recovered or that they are too small to cause any additional issues, or finally pushed into the side of a soft formation or the bottom of a formation with a large enough rathole. If none of these are possible and the junk continues to interfere with well operations, then the well made need to be sidetracked or abandoned.

The junk removal tools are as follows;

Junk Baskets

There are multiple forms of junk baskets available which are core cutting junk baskets (Figure 1), and a combination junk/jet basket (reverse circulation junk basket, Figure 2). These can be used to recover sidewall core bullets, bit cones, parts of cementing equipment, or other small pieces of debris.

This tool may work in multiple ways:

  • They might penetrate the formation and cut a relatively short core, digging out debris from the bottom of the hole and then trapping it inside of an inner barrel.
  • Alternatively, they can use reverse circulation, leading to drilling fluid circulating around the exterior of the basket, and thereby sweeping junk into the top part of the tool before moving further up the annulus. It is also possible for these tools to cut small cores.
  • Finally, then can provide a directed high-velocity jetting action, which will force materials into the basket.
Figure 1 - Core Cutting Junk Basket

Figure 1 – Core Cutting Junk Basket

Figure 2 - A combination junk/jet basket

Figure 2 – A combination junk/jet basket (reverse circulation junk basket) 

This footage below demonstrates how the combination junk/jet basket (reverse circulation junk basket) works.

Fishing Magnets

Fishing magnets can be run either on a wireline or on a drill pipe. Smaller ones can pull around 2 lbf, while larger ones can pull up to 3000 lbf, equivalent to 13345 N. These magnets are designed to only exert their magnetic field downwards, so they do not cause any damage when they are lowered through casing. Permanent magnets will be run on a drill pipe, and include circulating ports to allow for cuttings to be washed away so that the magnet can make contact with metal fish. On the other hand, electromagnets are run on wirelines, and only switched on when they reach the fish. They can be run in and out of holes quickly, but a disadvantage is that they lack any fill-cleaning capabilities, and therefore cannot engage fish that are covered with debris or fill. They are useful for retrieving iron-containing metal objects.

Figure 3 - Fishing Magnet

Figure 3 – Fishing Magnet (dhoiltools.com)

Junk Mills

Junk Mills are made of tungsten carbide which is used to mill small junks. In some cases, it is easier to break an object into smaller pieces than to retrieve it whole. They can then be recovered with a junk basket. Hard-formation rock bits can sometimes be used to break small objects up, but in other cases a junk mill might be needed, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 - Junk Mills

Figure 4 – Junk Mills


Nov.com. (2018). Bowen™ Junk Basket. [online] Available at: https://www.nov.com/Segments/Wellbore_Technologies/Downhole/Fishing_Tools/Junk_Catch_Fishing_Tools/Junk_Basket.aspx [Accessed 24 Jun. 2018].

GAOTON, S. (2018). REVERSING CIRCULATION JUNK BASKET_Fishing and Milling Tools_border_SHAANXI GAOTON PETROLEUM MACHINERY CO., LTD. [online] Sxgtpm.com. Available at: http://www.sxgtpm.com/ReadProduct.asp?id=182 [Accessed 24 Jun. 2018].

Indiamart.com. (2018). FISHING & MILLING TOOLS. [online] Available at: https://www.indiamart.com/parveenindustries-newdelhi/fishing-milling-tools.html [Accessed 24 Jun. 2018].

Fishing Magnets. (2018). Fishing Magnets | Oilfield Fishing Tools | Downhole Oil Tools, Inc.. [online] Available at: http://www.dhoiltools.com/fishingmagnets.html [Accessed 24 Jun. 2018].

Slideshare.net. (2018). Drilling Rig Equipment (Drilling Note). [online] Available at: https://www.slideshare.net/markacy/cfakepathdrilling-notes [Accessed 24 Jun. 2018].

The post Junk Removal Tools Used for Drilling and Workover Operation appeared first on Drilling Formulas and Drilling Calculations.

Categories of Well Control


Well control can be categorized into three main categories which are Primary Well Control, Secondary Well Control and Tertiary Well Control. The details are shown below;

Primary Well Control

Primary Well Control is hydrostatic pressureprovided by drilling fluid more than formation pressure but less than fracture gradient while drilling. If hydrostatic pressure is less than reservoir pressure, reservoir fluid may influx into wellbore. This situation is called “Loss Primary Well Control”. Typically, slightly overbalance of hydrostatic pressure over reservoir pressure is normally desired. The basic of maintaining primary well control is to maintain hydrostatic pressure that is heavy enough to overcome formation pressure but not fracture formations.

Figure 1 - Drilling Fluid

Figure 1 – Drilling Fluid

Not only is hydrostatic pressure more than formation pressure, but also hydrostatic pressure must not exceed fracture gradient. If mud in hole is too heavy, it will cause a broken wellbore, that will result in loss circulation problem (partially lost or total lost circulation). When fluid is losing into formation, mud level in well bore will be decreased that will cause reduction in hydrostatic pressure. For the worst case scenario, hydrostatic pressure is less than formation pressure therefore wellbore influx (kick) will enter into wellbore.

Secondary Well Control

Secondary well control is Blow Out Preventer (BOP) which is used when the primary well control is lost. BOP is used to prevent fluid escaping from a wellbore. In order to effectively utilize the BOP to control the well, it is important to minimize well bore influx by quick kick detection and shut in the well. Smaller kick volume will be easier to kill the well.


Figure 2 – Blow Out Preventer

Tertiary Well Control

Tertiary Well Control is special methods used to control the well if primary and secondary well control are failed. These following examples are tertiary well control:

  • Drill relief wells to hit adjacent well that is flowing and kill the well with heavy mud.

BP Macondo Well – Relief Wells

  • Dynamic kill by rapidly pumping of heavy mud to control well with Equivalent Circulating Density (ECD)
  • Pump barite or gunk to plug wellbore to stop flowing
  • Pump cement to plug wellbore


Coleman, S. (2018). Well Control Quiz Online. [online] Well Control Quiz Online – Test Your Well Control Knowledge for Free. Available at: http://wellcontrolquiz.com/ [Accessed 2 Aug. 2018].

Cormack, D. (2007). An introduction to well control calculations for drilling operations. 1st ed. Texas: Springer.

Crumpton, H. (2010). Well Control for Completions and Interventions. 1st ed. Texas: Gulf Publishing.

Grace, R. (2003). Blowout and well control handbook [recurso electrónico]. 1st ed. Paises Bajos: Gulf Professional Pub.

Grace, R. and Cudd, B. (1994). Advanced blowout & well control. 1st ed. Houston: Gulf Publishing Company.

Watson, D., Brittenham, T. and Moore, P. (2003). Advanced well control. 1st ed. Richardson, Tex.: Society of Petroleum Engineers.

The post Categories of Well Control appeared first on Drilling Formulas and Drilling Calculations.

Introduction to a Jack Up Rig


A Jack Up is a type of offshore drilling rigs. It is made up of a hull, legs, and a lifting system and a jack up rig can be towed to the offshore site, and then lower its legs into the seabed to lift up the hull, providing a stable work deck which is strong enough to cope with the required environmental loads.

Another advantage of Jack Up rigs is that they can operate in high wind speeds and with significant wave heights, as well as in water depths reaching 500 feet. Since the Jack Up will be ultimately supported by the seabed, they are usually preloaded upon arrival at the intended site to simulate the kind of leg loads that they will be exposed to. This ensures that once the rig is fully jacked up and in operation, the seabed will be able to provide a strong foundation for the rig.

The offshore industry has made significant use of Jack Up rigs for over 60 years now. They are especially useful for exploration drilling since they are relatively easy to set up, and also provide ample production, accommodation, and maintenance areas. Over the years, Jack Ups have been pushed to their limits in terms of what they can do. This includes their deck load carrying limits both when afloat and when elevated, their environmental and drilling limits, and the soil, or foundation, limits. By pushing these limits, drilling companies have been able to explore deeper waters, drill deep reservoirs in harsh conditions, and even drill in areas with unstable soils and foundations.

Components of Jack Up Rigs

Each Jack Up unit is made up of three main components: the Hull, the Legs and Footings, and the Equipment used on the Jack Up. Each of these components will be described below, and their functions will also be explained.


Much like the hull of a boat, a Jack Up unit’s hull is watertight, and houses or supports the equipment, systems, and personnel needed to carry out normal operations. While the Jack Up is afloat, the hull also provides the buoyancy needed to stop the Jack Up from sinking. The parameters of the hull can vary depending on the different modes of operation of the unit.

Figure 1 - Hull

Figure 1 – Hull

As a rule, the bigger the length and depth of the hull, the more variable deck load and equipment the Jack Up unit will be able to carry. This is especially true while it is in its afloat mode, since there is increased deck space and additional buoyancy. Larger hulls have another advantage in that they provide a bigger space both inside and out to accommodate piping and machinery, and allow for clear work areas. Larger hulls can also have greater preload capacity which allows for more flexibility during preloading operations.

There are some downsides to larger hulls, though. They are often subject to higher wind, current, and wave loads. On top of this, since a larger hull increases the weight of the Jack Up, they will require additional elevating jacks with a larger capacity in order to safely elevate and hold the unit. Finally, additional weight has an impact on the natural period of the Jack Up while it is in its elevated mode.

Another factor which has a direct impact on the amount of variable deck load that can be carried, as well as the afloat stability, is the draft of the hull. This refers to the distance between the afloat waterline and the baseline of the hull. The draft of the hull has an opposing relationship with the hull’s freeboard, which refers to the distance between the afloat waterline and the main deck of the hull. Therefore as the draft of a Jack Up increases, the freeboard decreases by the same amount.

With two Jack Ups with identical hulls, the one with the deeper draft will weigh more. This extra weight could come from either lightship weight or variable deck load. On the other hand, the unit with the deeper draft will suffer from decreased afloat stability compared to its shallower counterpart. However, the most influential factor on a Jack Up unit’s afloat stability is its freeboard. If the hull and leg length of two Jack Ups is identical, then the one with a larger freeboard will have the higher afloat stability.

Leg and Footing

A Jack Up’s legs and footings are made from steel, and serve to support the hull while the unit is elevated, and offer the necessary stability to resist lateral loads. Footings are used to increase the soil bearing area, meaning that the Jack Up can be used in areas with lower soil strength than if there were a smaller bearing area. Both legs and footings have multiple characteristics which affect the way that the unit reacts in both elevated and afloat modes, and it is therefore important to understand these characteristics.

Figure 2 - Legs

Figure 2 – Legs

A Jack Up unit’s legs can extend up to 500 feet above the water’s surface when the unit is towed, even when they are fully retracted. Larger and longer legs usually have the biggest impact on the afloat stability of a Jack Up unit. Due to both the large wind area of the legs, and the heavy weight which causes a high center of gravity, the afloat stability will be negatively affected. Units with larger legs will be less stable than other units with the same hull configuration and draft.

When the unit is in its elevated mode, its legs will be affected by wave, wind, and current loadings. As well as environmental conditions, the magnitude of these loads is a result of water depth, air gap (the distance between the hull baseline and the waterline), and how far the footings penetrate into the seabed. A general rule is that the larger the legs and footings, the more load will be exerted on them by the wind, waves, and current.

Depending on their design and size, different legs will exhibit different amounts of lateral stiffness. This refers to the amount of load necessary to produce a unit deflection. This stiffness decreases as water depth increases, and in higher depths, flexural stiffness (the chord area and spacing) has a much greater impact than shear stiffness (brace). Leg stiffness is directly related to Jack Up stiffness while the unit is in its elevated mode, which affects the amount of hull sway and the natural period of the Jack Up unit.

Drilling Rig Equipment

Each Jack Up unit will require certain equipment in order to fulfil its purpose. This equipment will therefore have an effect on the hull size and the lightship weight of the overall rig. The equipment used on Jack Up rigs can be split up into three major classifications: Marine Equipment, Mission Equipment, and Elevating Equipment.

The Marine Equipment is everything which isn’t directly related to the mission equipment. This Marine Equipment category therefore encompasses all of the equipment that one might expect to find on an ordinary sea-going vehicle, such as a diesel engine, oil piping, electrical equipment, lifeboats, radar and sonar, communications equipment, and so on. While all of this equipment isn’t directly relevant to the rig’s mission, it is nevertheless essential for supporting personnel aboard the rig, and for allowing it to operate on its own at sea. The Marine Equipment is typically classed as part of the rig’s lightship weight.

Figure 3 - Mission Equipment

Figure 3 – Mission Equipment

As mentioned above, the Mission Equipment covers everything aboard the Jack Up rig that allows it to complete its mission. Naturally, this will vary depending on what exactly this mission is, as well as the individual Jack Up. For instance, two Jack Up rigs which were both being used for exploration drilling might not use exactly the same type of equipment. Mission Equipment covers things like cranes, mud pumps and piping, derricks, drilling control systems, gas detection equipment and alarms, and so on. Unlike Marine Equipment, Mission Equipment is not always classed as part of the lightship weight, since some tools like cement units may not always be situated aboard the Jack Up itself. Finally, Elevating Equipment covers everything which is involved in allowing the Jack Up to raise, lower, and lock-off its legs and hull.


Mitchell, R.F., Miska, S.Z. and Aadnoy, B.S. (2012) Fundamentals of drilling engineering. Richardson, TX: Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Bork, K. (1995). The rotary rig and its components. Austin: Petroleum extension service. Division of continuing education. University of Texas at Austin.

Davis, L. (1995). Rotary, kelly, swivel, tongs, and top drive. 1st ed. Austin: Petroleum extension service. Division of continuing education. University of Texas at Austin.

The post Introduction to a Jack Up Rig appeared first on Drilling Formulas and Drilling Calculations.

Jack Up Rig Footing – Mat Footings vs Independent Spud Can Footings


Jack up units have footings to increase bearing area of each leg. This will result in reduction of load capacity of soil to deliver a firm foundation for a jack up rig to stand and transfer weight to the sea floor . With two different types of footing, spud cans and mats, it is important to know the main differences that exist.

Mat Footings

With a mat footing, every single leg will sit on the same footing. Typically, flat on both sides, they are normally a rectangular shape with buoyancy chambers; when the mat is submerged, these are quickly flooded. Compared to spud cans, this option exerts slightly less bearing pressure on the soil and this helps areas in which high bearing loads cannot be supported by the soil. After this, there is a second advantage in that it is the most buoyant option of the two with afloat transit mode. In theory, this has the potential to improve variable load carrying capabilities.

Figure 1 - Mat Footing Jack Up Rig

Figure 1 – Mat Footing Jack Up Rig

On the flip side, there are some disadvantages to mat footings starting with the lack of options for uneven seabeds or any with sloping. When placed on a seabed of this type, the mat will bend in certain areas to find the surface; in order to thrive with high bending loads, the structure would have to be extremely heavy. Furthermore, mat footings are near enough redundant whenever there are pipelines or debris in place.

Finally, it is noted that the mat needs to be flooded when transitioning from afloat to the on-bottom function. If not done correctly, the flooding can cause loss of stability and large heeling moments. Then, the footing needs to be pumped of all water when re-floating the unit and this means the need for equipment that simply isn’t necessary with independent-legged units.

Spud Can Footings

Whenever there are independent spud can footings, the number of legs and spud cans is always equal. Typically, they will offer a conical structure where the tops and bottoms both slope. On top, the slope helps to remove any collected mud whenever there is deep penetration. On the bottom, the slope ensures penetration even in the stiffest of soils. When submerged, they are normally designed with free flooding in mind but, for internal inspection, they can be pumped dry.

Figure 2 - Spud Can Diagram for a Jack Up Rig

Figure 2 – Spud Can Diagram for a Jack Up Rig (Lee and Randolph, 2011)

Just as we saw with mat footings, there are some advantages to spud can footings starting with their use on various seabed types. Whether the soil is soft or hard, whether the seabed slopes, or even when there are pipes and various other obstacles, the spud can footings excel. Although there is a slight weak point with large slopes that have hard soil, they are generally the ‘all-rounder’ which shows the difference with mat footings. Furthermore, no equipment is required nor is the need for ballasting sequences; when transporting the unit, there are some rigs that even see the spud cans retract into the hull.

Figure 3 - A Jack Up Rig with Spud Can Footing

Figure 3 – A Jack Up Rig with Spud Can Footing (http://www.saff-rosemond.com, 2018)

Compared to mat footing units, soil penetration for spud can footing is deeper because the bottom bearing pressure generated by spud cans is higher than mat footings. Since the bearing pressure are high, spud cans leave foot prints in soft soil areas. Later on, if there is another jack up rig coming back to work in this area, the old foot print can lead to horizontal force which will bring the new rig back into an old position. It is imperative that engineers must consider the risk of unintentionally moving back into the old holes to understand if this will stop the whole operation or not.


Maritimecommunications.com. (2018). Bethlehem Beaumont ShipyardTo Build Offshore Rig ForHouston Offshore International. [online] Available at: http://www.maritimecommunications.com/world-ports-~2d-top-20/bethlehem-beaumont-shipyard-international-209503 [Accessed 12 Aug. 2018].

Jerman, J. (2018). Spudcan foundation and the drilling rig. [online] www.researchgate.net. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Spudcan-foundation-and-the-drilling-rig-Lee-and-Randolph-2011_fig8_273761420 [Accessed 12 Aug. 2018].

JACK UP – ROSEMOND-SA20 JACK-UP DRILLING RIG DESIGN. (2018). Rosemond-emi. [online] Available at: http://www.saff-rosemond.com/Rosemond-JackUp-Project.html [Accessed 12 Aug. 2018].

Mitchell, R.F., Miska, S.Z. and Aadnoy, B.S. (2012) Fundamentals of drilling engineering. Richardson, TX: Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Bork, K. (1995). The rotary rig and its components. Austin: Petroleum extension service. Division of continuing education. University of Texas at Austin.

Davis, L. (1995). Rotary, kelly, swivel, tongs, and top drive. 1st ed. Austin: Petroleum extension service. Division of continuing education. University of Texas at Austin.

The post Jack Up Rig Footing – Mat Footings vs Independent Spud Can Footings appeared first on Drilling Formulas and Drilling Calculations.

Basic Information about Jack Up Rig Legs


This article describes about basic information of jack up legs – Cylindrical Legs vs Trussed Legs, Three-Legged Jack Up  vs Four-Legged Jack Up and Three-Chorded Legs vs Four-Chorded Legs.

Cylindrical Legs vs Trussed Legs

Since the hull needs to stay above the storm wave crest, withstand certain pressures, and transmit different loads between the footing and hull, every Jack Up unit will have legs of some sort. Similar to the footings, there are two different types in trussed legs and cylindrical legs.

Cylindrical Legs

Cylindrical legs can vary slightly but the basic premise involves hollow steel tubes. However, some units will have internal stiffening and others may have rack teeth or small holes to allow the hull to move up and down the legs. Generally, these cylindrical legs are used on units that stay shallower than 300 feet of water depth. With the newer units that are designed to work in environment deeper than 300 feet, they tend to use trussed legs and this is because trussed legs require less steel for the same resistance and same elevated response.

Figure 1 - Cylindrical Leg Jack up (dsboffshore.com, 2018)

Figure 1 – Cylindrical Leg Jack up (dsboffshore.com, 2018)

In terms of advantages, they are the best option for shallow water work as the deck area is smaller and the unit is smaller as a whole. With cylindrical legs, they take up less room on the deck area and they are also extremely simple to use and construct when compared to the trussed legs which require some experience to get started.

Trussed Legs

Talking of trussed legs, they are formed of braces and chords. Very quickly, it is easy to notice that the chords add the stiffness to the unit whilst the braces have been designed to add capacity to the leg. Why are trussed legs chosen over cylindrical legs? Well, it is easier to reach an optimal utilization of steel and this leads to lighter yet stiffer legs; from here, drag loads can be reduced.

Figure 2 - Trussed Legs Jack Up

Figure 2 – Trussed Legs Jack Up

Three-Legged Jack Up  vs Four-Legged Jack Up

If you have already done some research on this topic, you will have seen that very rarely are there more than four legs on a Jack Up unit; however, there are some with three that still keep stability. At the other end of the scale, there are also some with more than four but we are only covering the three- and four-legged options today.

Three-Legged Jack Up

In order to offer the right stability, the three legs will normally be arranged into a triangle and there is a big advantage to this option in that you save materials and remove the need for an unnecessary leg. If the hull size is appropriate, the afloat mode also allows for more deck load as well as weighing less, offering fewer elevating units, using less energy, and requiring less maintenance. With this being said, they have no leg redundancy and they need preload tankage to work efficiently.

Figure 3 - Three-Legged Jack Up

Figure 3 – Three-Legged Jack Up

Four-Legged Jack Up

With four legs, they can be arranged into a square or rectangle and these need few or no preload tanks. Why? Because the elevated weight can be used as the preload weight itself by loading two legs at a time. Ultimately, this will save piping and there will be more available space on the hull. Additionally, elevated mode is also stiffer than any three-legged unit since there is a fourth leg in play.

On the downside, the extra leg will add wave, current, and wind loads and this can offset the advantages. Additionally, the weight of the extra leg can be a problem in afloat transit mode because it reduces afloat deck load.

Figure 4 - Four-Legged Jack Up

Figure 4 – Four-Legged Jack Up (http://www.swiftdrilling.com, 2018)

Three-Chorded Legs vs Four-Chorded Legs

If we break this guide down even further, we see that trussed legs can have three or four ‘chords’ which are vertical structures. Today, every single Jack Up unit will be made up in either of these formats and the pros and cons of each are near enough the same as the pros and cons for three and four legs. For example, the changes in weight, redundancy, and drag loads still apply. However, there is no change in preloading procedure regardless of whether there are three or four chords.

Figure 5 - A Jack Up with Three-Chorded Legs

Figure 5 – A Jack Up with Three-Chorded Legs (eurasiadrilling.com, 2018)


Figure 6 - Four-Chorded Legs

Figure 6 – Four-Chorded Legs (ENSCO PLC, 2018)



DSB Offshore Ltd. (2018). Jackup for charter / 56 x 44m, 96m leg length – DSB Offshore Ltd. [online] Available at: https://www.dsboffshore.com/vessel/jackup-for-charter-56-x-44m-96m-leg-length/ [Accessed 18 Aug. 2018].

Oilfieldpix.com. (2018). Offshore Jack Up Drilling Rig Over The Production Platform – Oilfield Royalty Free Stock Images and Illustrations. [online] Available at: http://oilfieldpix.com/photo/578/Offshore-Jack-Up-Drilling-Rig-Over-The-Production-Platform.html [Accessed 18 Aug. 2018].

Swift Drilling Ltd. (2018). Completion, Well Testing | Swift Drilling. [online] Swiftdrilling.com. Available at: http://www.swiftdrilling.com/rig_specs/completion_well_testing [Accessed 18 Aug. 2018].

Eurasiadrilling.com. (2018). Jack-up rigs. [online] Available at: http://www.eurasiadrilling.com/operations/offshore/jack-up-rigs/ [Accessed 18 Aug. 2018].

Enscoplc.com. (2018). Ensco plc – Global Operations – Rig Fleet. [online] Available at: https://www.enscoplc.com/global-operations/rig-fleet/default.aspx [Accessed 18 Aug. 2018].

Mitchell, R.F., Miska, S.Z. and Aadnoy, B.S. (2012) Fundamentals of drilling engineering. Richardson, TX: Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Bork, K. (1995). The rotary rig and its components. Austin: Petroleum extension service. Division of continuing education. University of Texas at Austin.

Davis, L. (1995). Rotary, kelly, swivel, tongs, and top drive. 1st ed. Austin: Petroleum extension service. Division of continuing education. University of Texas at Austin.

The post Basic Information about Jack Up Rig Legs appeared first on Drilling Formulas and Drilling Calculations.

Elevating System of Jack Up Rigs


This article describes basic data with regard to the jack up rig elevation system, guides, pinion chord and leg fixation.

Jacking System

Firstly, let start with the jacking system , to lift and lower the hull, every Jack Up will have a special mechanism and the most basic of these is called ‘pin and hole’ (Figure 1); discrete leg positions will be used for the positioning of the hull. In the market today though, most Jack Ups will use a ‘rack and pinion’ (Figure 2) system to allow for continuous operation.

Figure 1 - Pin and Hole (Hercules offshore,2018)

Figure 1 – Pin and Hole (Hercules offshore,2018)


Figure 2 - Rack and Pinion

Figure 2 – Rack and Pinion (sagta.com,2018)

In terms of the jacking systems themselves, floating and fixed present the two main types. Whilst the fixed system goes for varied chord loading, floating attempts to equalize all chord loads using soft pads. In addition to this, you will also find hydraulic and electric power sources for the fixed type of system and both of these can equalize the chord loads for all legs despite achieving it in different ways.

Hydraulic – Essentially, this jacking system will look to keep the same pressure for all elevating units within a leg. At times, this can be a challenge because piping lengths, bends, and other issues can cause a loss.

Electric – Here, the motor speed will change as a result of the pinion loads and the speed-load characteristics. When jacking for significant periods of time, the equalizing occurs for all chords of each leg.

Upper and Lower Guides

In addition to lifting and dropping the hull, there is also a mechanism to ensure the legs go through the hull. For the pinion units, ‘bottoming out’ cannot occur on the rack teeth because the guides keep the pinions protected. With the upper and lower guides in place, even the deepest hulls or tall towers will be guided through safely. Ultimately, the only role of this mechanism is to ensure a steady length between the rack and the pinions; they are not involved in leg bending moment.

Just as we have seen throughout this guide, there are also different type of guides since some use the teeth to push against the tip whilst others focus on the chords. Known as ‘wear plates’, we should note that there are some guides that have been designed for replacement. Depending on the design, guides will also transfer leg bending moment as well as protecting the hull and pinions. Not all designs are equal; the extent to which moment is transferred is entirely dependant on the difference between the stiffness of the pinions and the guides.

Figure 3 - Guide

Figure 3 – Guide (sagta.com,2018)

Radial Pinion Chords v Opposed Pinion Chords

 When a Jack Up has a rack and pinion elevating system, it will also boast an interface as either a single radial pinion or two different pinions at each chord. On the leg of the interface, both vertical and horizontal forces are exerted by jacking systems. Across the chord, the loads will be balanced by the opposed pinion systems which brings no additional horizontal load for the leg bracing. Thanks to the pinion arrangement and design, there will be a horizontal load on the leg bracing for radial pinions.

Opposed Pinions (3-Chorded Leg) – With opposed pinions, one chord will see rack and elevating systems on different sides which leads to double symmetry throughout. Essentially, the main advantage of having opposed pinion systems is that the pinions will share the load. Whenever the chord’s pinions are on the very same side, the jacking tower remains tall whilst the height reduces when the pinions are on two different sides.

Figure 4 - Opposed Pinions (3-Chorded Leg)

Figure 4 – Opposed Pinions (3-Chorded Leg), (Kamel Elsayed – Slideshare, 2018)

To achieve a 50/50 share of the load in the pinions, they need to be arranged two high. To increase the distance between the smallest load and the largest, more pinions feature on the tower. Finally, we should also mention that the overall height reduction of the jacking tower with opposed pinions is an advantage because the wind load reduces as well as the weight. Figure 5 demonstrates the jack up rig with opposed pinions.

Figure 5 - A Jack Up with Three-Chorded Legs

Figure 5 – A Jack Up with Three-Chorded Legs (eurasiadrilling.com, 2018)

Radial Pinions (4-Chorded Leg) – With this system, only one side will have rack and elevating pinions. As a result, only one plane of symmetry is seen in chords and the eccentricity causes bending from the net vertical pinion loads. If a Jack Up system has a radial pinion system in place, they will have two main advantages in comparison to the first example we saw. First and foremost, the upper guides are much further away from the lower guides because the height of the system is larger overall. Secondly, the leg chord generally experiences a lower drag coefficient because less hydrodynamic drag is created by one rack than two. Of course, designs vary greatly from one model to the next so the extent of this difference also changes. Figure 7 shows the jack up rig with radial pinions.

radial pinion

Figure 6 – Radial Pinions (4-Chorded Leg), (Kamel Elsayed – Slideshare, 2018)


Figure 6 - Four-Chorded Legs

Figure 7 – Four-Chorded Legs (ENSCO PLC, 2018)

Leg Fixation v No Leg Fixation

Finally, between the hull and the legs, the environmental, operational, and gravity loads need to be transferred by the Jack Up units. With some options, they will use pinions and a fixation system before then transferring this rather than using elevating pinions which is something that other units will use.

With leg bending moment, there are also two types that can occur; horizontal couple or vertical couple. As the names suggest, the first uses the lower and upper guides while the second relies upon varying chord loading. Depending on the stiffness values, there will be a different moment proportion transferred. With a leg fixation in place, the proportion of the moment transferred will be higher and it transfers as a vertical couple.

As mentioned in the title of this section, there are also units with no leg fixation and these need heavier bracings in order to react to the loads of operating, survival, and tow leg-to-hull. During this process, extreme caution must be taken since the only holding or locking mechanism comes from the jacking unit. Whenever there is a drop in holding or jacking capacity, this is likely to impact other units and will increase the load on the leg structure. In the past, we have seen the ability to handle higher loads with higher braces but there is still a knock-on effect and this time it comes with the increased wave, wind, and current loads. When this happens, the environmental ratings are much lower than seen in units with a fixation system. In these rigs, therefore, there is an importance upon the balance between the strength of the brace and the chord.

In terms of pinions, these are reduced with a leg fixation system. Considering the increased stiffness when compared to guides, a vertical couple is seen with leg/hull moment transfer too which negates the need for so many brace scantlings. In turn, the leg will weigh significantly less and less drag is produced thus improving the environmental capabilities of the unit in question. All things considered, this leads to a boost in the unit’s ability to tow with fully-retracted large leg lengths. If service is ever required, support can be given to the rig by the fixation system but, when an accident occurs, the leg bracing is often considered the most prone feature to damage!


Sagta.com. (2018). Jack up system – Products – sagta. [online] Available at: http://www.sagta.com/index.php/Eng/article/listPage/parentID/2/cat_id/39 [Accessed 24 Aug. 2018].

Hercules 208 General Information. (2014). 1st ed. [ebook] Houston: Hercules Offshore, p.1. Available at: http://www.herculesoffshore.com/pdfs/rigs/H208%20Spec%20Sheet%20rev.03%20August%2022%202014.pdf [Accessed 24 Aug. 2018].

Slideshare.net. (2018). The Road to Saqqara ( Jack-up units and Move ). [online] Available at: https://www.slideshare.net/kemo44/the-road-to-saqqara-jackup-units-and-move [Accessed 25 Aug. 2018].

Eurasiadrilling.com. (2018). Jack-up rigs. [online] Available at: http://www.eurasiadrilling.com/operations/offshore/jack-up-rigs/ [Accessed 18 Aug. 2018].

Enscoplc.com. (2018). Ensco plc – Global Operations – Rig Fleet. [online] Available at: https://www.enscoplc.com/global-operations/rig-fleet/default.aspx [Accessed 18 Aug. 2018].

The post Elevating System of Jack Up Rigs appeared first on Drilling Formulas and Drilling Calculations.

Basic Knowledge of a Jack Up Rig Transit Mode


The Transit Mode occurs when a Jack Up Unit is being transported from one location to another. The unit could either be afloat on its own hull (known as a “wet tow”), or be carried as cargo aboard another vessel (a “dry tow”). Each of these modes will be described in detail below.

In terms of preparation for each transit mode, the main areas that need to be dealt with are the leg support, hull support, the watertight integrity of the unit in general, and properly securing all cargo and equipment so that it does not shift during transit. The units legs will need to be raised so that they do not come into contact with the seabed, but they do not need to be fully retracted in most cases. By keeping parts of the legs lower than the hull baseline, the jacking time is reduced, and leg inertia loads are reduced due to tow motions and stability is increased thanks to lessened wind overturning. In addition, slightly lowering the legs can help to improve the hydrodynamic flow around the open leg wells and reduce tow resistance. Regardless of the exact position of the legs during towing, it is essential to check their structure at the leg/hull interface, to ensure that they are able to withstand the gravity and inertial loads experienced during the tow.

Wet tow

A “Field Tow” takes place when the Jack Up unit is being transported afloat on its own hull, with the legs raised, and where it is only being transported a fairly short distance to its new location. Since this move is only a short distance, it is easy to predict the weather and sea state during the tow. This means that the preparation for a Field Tow is usually less intense than for a longer tow. Field Tows do not last longer than 12 hours, and need to satisfy particular requirements with regards to motion criteria. This criteria, which is expressed as a roll/pitch magnitude during a certain period, limits the inertial loads on both the legs and the leg support mechanism.

Figure 1 - Wet-tow of Mærsk Innovator (Maersk Drilling, 2014)

Figure 1 – Wet-tow of Mærsk Innovator (Maersk Drilling, 2014)

In some cases, where the tow will last for over 12 hours, then an Extended Field Tow may be necessary. This is a tow where the unit is never more than 12 hours away from a safe port of call, in the event of adverse weather conditions. During this process, the Jack Up unit is afloat on its own full with the legs raised, in much the same way as a Field Tow. An Extended Field Tow can take multiple days to complete. The same motion criteria applies for an Extended Field Tow as for a standard Field Tow, and the same preparations will take place. The only addition is that the weather must be carefully monitored for the duration of the tow.

A Wet Ocean Tow is one which takes place with the hull afloat, which lasts over 12 hours, and which does not come within the requirements for an Extended Field Tow. In these cases, additional precautions will usually have to be made, since the motion criteria for Wet Ocean Tows are more strict than with Field Tows. These extra precautions might include adding some extra leg supports, cutting or lowering the leg so that it is shorter, and  ensuring all of the equipment and cargo in and on the hull is fully secure.

Dry Tow

On the other hand, a Dry Ocean Tow involves transporting a Jack Up unit aboard another vessel. Rather than being afloat, the unit is secured onto the other vessel as deck cargo. The motion criteria for the unit is therefore dependent on the motions of the vessel being used to transport the unit. This means that the precautions to be taken with regards to supporting the unit’s legs will vary depending on the transportation vessel. However, in most cases the legs will be retracted as far as possible into the hull of the unit so that the hull can be kept as lows as possible to the transportation vessel’s deck, and to cut the amount of cribbing support. Another essential precaution which only needs to be taken during Dry Ocean Tows is supporting the Jack Up’s hull. Strong points (i.e. bulkheads) need to be supported by cribbing, and often portions of the hull will overhang the edges of the transportation vessel. These overhanging sections may be exposed to wave impact, which will increase the amount of stress put on the hull. Furthermore, if the legs overhand, then the bending moment on the hull (which is increased by vessel motions) can be significant. It is therefore important that proper calculations are made to prevent the hull from lifting off the cribbing under the expected tow motions.

Figure 2 - Dry Tow of a Jack Up Rig (GLOBAL OFFSHORE ENGINEERING, 2018)

Figure 2 – Dry Tow of a Jack Up Rig (GLOBAL OFFSHORE ENGINEERING, 2018)

Arriving on the location

Once the Transit Mode stage has been completed, the Jack Up unit is referred to as being in “Arriving On Location Mode”. During this time, the unit will be secured from transmit mode, and preparations begin to jack up the unit into its Elevated Mode. These preparations include removing any wedges which may be in the leg guides, initializing the jacking system, and removing any of the leg securing mechanisms which may have been installed for transit. When the latter step is completed, the weight of legs is transferred to the pinions.

Soft pin the jack up legs

In the case of independent Jack Up units which will be operating next to Fixed Structures, or when they will be operating in a difficult area with bottom restrictions, then it may be necessary to temporarily position the unit somewhere away from its final location. This is known as “Soft Pinning” the legs in a “Standing Off” location. To do this, at least one of the legs are lowered until the bottom of its spud can is only just touching the soil. This is in order to provide a “stop” point during the Arriving On Location process. At this stop point, all of the necessary preparations can be made before moving the unit to its final location. These precautions will include running anchor lines, powering up any thrusters on the unit, and coordinating with assisting tugs.

Final location approaching

Regardless of whether a Jack Up unit makes a stop at a Soft Pin location or remains on course directly to the final jacking up location, there will need to be some way of positioning the unit properly for ballasting or preloading operations. With an independent leg Jack Up unit, the holding position is achieved by traveling to the location with all three legs lowered to just above the seabed. Once the unit reaches the final location, the legs are then lowered so that they can securely hold the rig on location without the need for tugs. Mat type Jack Up Units will either be held on location by assisting tugs, or else drop spud piles to hold the unit securely on location until the mat is ballasted and lowered.

Figure 3 - A jack up rig approaching the final location (oilandgaspeople.com, 2016)

Figure 3 – A jack up rig approaching the final location (oilandgaspeople.com, 2016)


Flickr. (2018). Wet-tow of Mærsk Innovator. [online] Available at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/maerskdrilling/13716060714 [Accessed 1 Oct. 2018].

Goe-group.com. (2018). Global Offshore Engineering | Rig moving services. [online] Available at: http://www.goe-group.com/goe_project/rig-moving-services/ [Accessed 1 Oct. 2018].

Nov.com. (2018). Jackup Offshore Units. [online] Available at: https://www.nov.com/Segments/Rig_Technologies/Rig_Equipment/Offshore/Offshore_Units/Jackup.aspx [Accessed 1 Oct. 2018].

Oilandgaspeople.com. (2016). Noble gets $540M for rig contract terminations – Oil and Gas News. [online] Available at: https://www.oilandgaspeople.com/news/8905/noble-gets-540m-for-rig-contract-terminations/ [Accessed 1 Oct. 2018].

Mitchell, R.F., Miska, S.Z. and Aadnoy, B.S. (2012) Fundamentals of drilling engineering. Richardson, TX: Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Bork, K. (1995). The rotary rig and its components. Austin: Petroleum extension service. Division of continuing education. University of Texas at Austin.

Davis, L. (1995). Rotary, kelly, swivel, tongs, and top drive. 1st ed. Austin: Petroleum extension service. Division of continuing education. University of Texas at Austin.

The post Basic Knowledge of a Jack Up Rig Transit Mode appeared first on Drilling Formulas and Drilling Calculations.

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